Racial and other myths of the new South Africa

Sara Gon | 23 November 2015 In the first of a series Sara Gon writes on the concept of demographic representivity There are many myths perpetuated in South African politics. A myth is a “widely…

Racist Laws in South Africa

Posted January 24, 2013 by LucAversa Location Cape Town, South Africa By LucAversa | Posted January 24, 2013 | Cape Town, South Africa South Africa is the only country in the world where the government…

Racial and other myths of the new South Africa

Sara Gon | 23 November 2015 In the first of a series Sara Gon writes on the concept of demographic representivity There are many myths perpetuated in South African politics. A myth is a “widely…

The Dark Side of the Rainbow Nation September 18, 2014

  Broad-Based Black Empowerment (BEE) is the South African Government’s set of policies intended to lift employment and business participation of previously disadvantaged communities. The strictly enforced policies have caused a huge number of problems…