Famine reported amongst 1million (out of 3,4m) impoverished white people in South Africa:


Famine reported amongst 1million (out of 3,4m) impoverished white people in South Africa:

23 feb 2016 – Pretoria – Leon Cronjé of the registered non-profit group Boeregemeenskap Transvaal writes:
“Malnourished, impoverished white South Africans:” This is what the news media will not show the world: the growing famine suffered by the 1million (out of 3,4million) impoverished white people in South Africa.
“Our registered charity is denied all help from donor companies, from the government and even chain-stores refuse to donate food because we help white people.We are in desperate need of donations urgently: Second hand clothing ,Gardening stuff, seeds, furniture,Cash , building equipment . Food (Tinned), Vegetables, Toiletries, Tents, Blankets, School stuff,Toys and cash donations .

For collection of any donations please SMS Address to 0736317914 — we will arrange for pickup
Drop off point: 15 Church Street Florida 1725 South Africa

Because of the anti-white hiring laws by the ruling ANC, there is no work nor income nor housing for most of these people. They get no food-aid.
They also get no government benefits — those are reserved for some 17million black people, but denied to whites under the ANC’s anti-white laws.



“More than seventeen squatter camps ‘forgotten’ by the South African government are in need of funding and donations to provide food for the poor inhabitants. The camps are situated in places all over Pretoria, Johannesburg, Rustenburg, Middelburg, Koster, Kameeldrift and many more.


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