No more whites, and then what?


Anton Kleinschmidt says those fomenting racial tensions should pause and consider the implications of what they’re trying to achieve
Anti-white chatter is now deeply entrenched within many segments of our society. In addition to the usual band of populist opportunists within political structures we are seeing an increasing number of commentators from civil society entering the fray. The abiding refrain is that all whites are racist and by extension are unwelcome in the country of their birth.The suggestion that the bad behaviour of a small number of whites should define the racial attitudes of all white people indicates a total breakdown in the cognitive ability of the detractors. The behaviour of these anti white hate mongers is shameful and poses an existential threat to all South Africans.

Those who foment racial tensions should pause and consider what would happen should they achieve their apparent goal of driving whites beyond our shores. This introspection is best done in the context of the value that whites bring to this country.

Lest I be accused of virtue signalling let me say that none of this should be construed as suggesting that other communities do not bring immense value to our mutual national wellbeing. They do and their contribution is growing steadily, but for now I am considering the role of white South Africans.

Consider that whites provide tens of thousands of jobs to those on the fringes of the labour market. In other words those who would almost certainly join the ranks of the unemployed were it not for the various jobs they enjoy in the homes of white families. I am talking about the nannies, the house servants, the gardeners, the handymen, the casual painters, and many more. The army of intersection sales people and car guards ply their trade within wealthier communities for obvious reasons.

Think about the fact that virtually every “white” community has a large neighbouring community of poor black people. The conditions in these communities are reprehensible but they exist and grow because the jobs are there and they are desperate for work. Remove the jobs and then what? Has anyone ever bothered to consult these less fortunate communities before spreading anti white vitriol?

This brings us to the corporate / industrial / mining sector which provides a huge variety of formal work opportunities. A very large and increasing number of these work opportunities are filled by black South Africans. It is a simple reality that much of this sector is controlled and managed by white people. To this I say “so what”, as long as the jobs are there.  If you destroy this sector the resultant economic collapse will finish off this country in very short order and unemployment will skyrocket

Let us move on to the question of the skills provided by doctors, lawyers, accountants, scientists, researchers, engineers, architects and a host of others. The white community provides a large number of desperately needed skills but this pool is diminishing rapidly as fear for the future drives youngsters abroad and the baby boomers retire.  To make matters worse the increasingly dysfunctional education system is not capable of restocking the skills pool. The pool is stagnant and drying up rapidly.

It is the people (of all races) with the skills that generate new wealth, create new jobs, pay much needed taxes and bring enduring economic value to a country showing increasing signs of stress. Driving the skills away and failing to replace them brings with it economic disaster for all of us particularly the poor black people who eke out an existence on the margins.

What about the wealth that so many commentators would seek to redistribute? The reality is that the people with the wealth have always called the shots in every society known to man. As far as South Africa is concerned, a significant portion of this wealth is in white hands and this wealth is currently extremely jittery.

To make matters worse for all of us, much of this wealth is already located abroad and is most unlikely to return while the race hate mongers ply their trade. In fact this flow of wealth to safe havens is accelerating. Every time someone talks of hacking whites to death or wears a T-Shirt encouraging the murder of white people, a few more millions take flight. Recent reports suggest that more than half ofSouth Africa’s wealth is deposited abroad and this is a tragedy of huge proportions. We need that money here! Certainly the legislated confiscation of this wealth is possible but this would be the death knell forSouth Africa as an investment destination. This same would apply if Exchange Controls were to be increased in an effort to regulate these flows.

Next we have the tax base. It is beyond question that all South Africans pay taxes in one form or another but it is probably fair to say that the white community carries a disproportionate load. Fair enough if the money is spent wisely particularly for the benefit if the poor. However, the tax base is our most important national asset and its destruction will have terminal economic consequences. The first and most obvious victims of tax base destruction will be the vast army of public sector employees. Ponder that. Admittedly they also pay taxes but they create no new income and tax generating wealth.

Last but not least, we have the large number of white people who rally to the aid of poor communities every time there is a disaster. Many white people are quick to assist in the broader efforts to aid communities with blankets, clothes and food when yet another devastating fire or flood destroys the homes of the poor. It was mainly white communities that rallied round and provided succour when xenophobic mobs went on the rampage.

The bottom line? Those who would revile and marginalise whites should take time off to consider just how damaging their actions really are. The new political and business elite should not seek to deflect their fear of their own constituency onto the minorities of this country. They should consider that their irresponsible behaviour is driving all of us towards economic meltdown and consequential disaster. They are the real enemy at the gate not the small and diminishing white community.
