
Published On 05/01/2016 |

Julius Malema the leader of the EFF a political party opposed to the ruling ANC has said that he wants to seize White farmland without compensation.  He says this while simultaneously claiming he doesn’t want to chase Whites out of the country.  An insane statement considering that Whites would not want to stay if the government is going to seize their property without proper compensation.

Even though South Africa is under the control of Blacks, Whites still control much of the nation’s land and wealth.  This fool is blaming the White man for the failings of his own racial brethren.

Such a policy if implemented would be a disaster for South Africa.  Blacks are simply incapable of producing at the same level of Whites.  Look at Zimbabwe, Detroit or countless other instances where the White man has been systematically replaced by Blacks for proof.  Lose the productivity of the White man and South Africa will descend into an even more unstable third world hell hole.

From Al Jazeera:

Around 40,000 people turned up at Orlando Stadium in Soweto on Saturday displaying massive support for fiery EFF leader Julius Malema’s promises to seize white-owned land without compensation and nationalise the banks.

The huge turnout was a shot across the bows of the ANC, which failed to fill a similar stadium during the launch of its own manifesto in the coastal city of East London two weeks ago.

“We are not chasing the whites away. We are saying you have too much land. We want you here in South Africa, but 80 percent of the land belongs to us,” Malema told the crowd.

The white minority still holds the vast majority of farmland as well as a disproportionate share of the country’s wealth.

The EFF is capitalising on black discontent over the perceived lack of change under the ANC government since the end of apartheid 22 years ago.
