USA: Crime, not a White problem


20 July 2016

Americans, living in America, know who and what is responsible for the crime problem in the country. Even the who and what responsible people know who and what is responsible.

Just like South Africans living in South Africa know who commits most of the crime….

And that is why American Blacks embrace movements like Black Lives Matter (BLM). It’s to hide their own guilt as to what their own race is achieving in America. Which is nothing, but crime. It’s to rile up the stupid Black people, to get them ‘angry’ about all the ‘racism’ against them….. 

It’s all they’ve got going for them. As if Whites cared enough.

At the end of the day, Black Lives Matter is just another Marxist wolf in sheep’s clothing, but their followers haven’t worked that one out yet. 

For BLM followers, it’s all about deflection. Blame others for what you yourself are guilty of doing. And repeat the lie often enough so that the media can use those lies to sell as truth. You can refer to the interview on CNN with Don Lemon HERE to see what I’m referring to. A few months back, Lemon was saying how Blacks need to take responsibility for their actions and most Blacks are killed by other Blacks. Fast forward a few months and he’s now singing a completely different tune. His previous common sense views didn’t get him noticed – but his new pro-BLM tone gets him plenty noticed.

At the end of the day, the Left-controlled media are the ones fuelling the anti-Cop narrative, because of two reasons:
Reason 1: The media gets to feed the nation and the world the lie that American cops are racist towards Blacks. That Blacks are the eternal victims of Whites – ergo, America is racist and needs to be destroyed. And what better way to do this than by attacking the cops who are the last line of defence for the ordinary citizen. 

Destruction of America is the Progressive/Marxist ultimate wet-dream. The media is one of their vehicles to achieve this goal.

Reason 2:  That same lie told by the media brings in the money $$. Stating the obvious doesn’t sell airtime or newspapers or clicks to their websites…. hyping up the hate does.

And so what if some cops get killed in the process due to the media lies and drummed-up hysteria? After all, you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette, and the omelette the Left are busy making is called “American Destruction” with side orders of anarchy, mayhem and anti-White hatred.

Do you know what offends the Left the most?? 


To them the truth is like what sun is to vampires. 

It’s why they turn to personal abuse and insults when they can’t refute the truth or facts. To the Left, abuse and insults equals constructive argument. Just remember, the more they shout you down, the more on target you are.

And the best way to get at the Left is to keep telling the truth. And the best way to tell the truth is to arm yourself with the facts. And a sense a humour. They hate that.

So, on that point, HERE is an excellent summary of just who and what is committing most of the murders and doing the most crime in America. Go ahead and read it. It may explain why Blacks go out onto the streets to chimp-out and play the victim of White “racism”, when they KNOW it’s their own people doing the crime and who are the biggest racists. 

They live it daily. They breath it daily. They do it daily. School is too hard.

And this would explain why the media HAVE to peddle these lies as truth. What’s a victim narrative without a victim?

From the linked post, it shows that:

‘Chicago is 32% white, but they commit only 3.5% of the murders. Over 96% of the murders are committed by non-whites. Essentially, it is young black men murdering other black men. White people are not in the equation and are not part of the problem.’

Do you ever hear CNN discussing the crime and murder rates in Chicago? Do you ever hear Obama mention it, as he goes after the actions of cops and encourages more cop-killings?????

The answer would be: NO. 

And why not, you ask, scratching your head in confusion. Well, let’s connect the dots for you. If they had to highlight all the crime and murder in Chicago, they would have to admit who is committing that crime. And then they would also need to point out that Democrats control that city, and have for decades – just as the Democrats control every major city with crime problems. And then they would need to mention that Chicago has very strict gun laws – which doesn’t seem to be working, seeing as Blacks keep shooting and killing other Blacks, DESPITE all those anti-gun laws. Apparently, criminals still manage to get their hands on guns. Funny that, huh?

So, then, there goes Obama and the Left’s “Whites are killing us/Whites are racist” narrative. There goes their “Republicans are bad and evil” narrative”. And there goes their “more gun control is needed to stop killings” narrative. 

Admitting what’s going on in Chicago would be like opening a very small can containing a trillion worms – which they dare not even pick up!

Obama’s holier than thou, tone-deaf, mean-nothing, anti-cop, anti-gun speeches would show him for the hollow IQ67 kneegrow Community Organizer that he is, and the media would have a whole lot of omelette on their faces – seeing as they’ve been carrying his water for nearly 8 years now. 

Also from the link:

‘There are approximately 8,000 gun related homicides annually in the U.S. The vast majority occur in the urban ghettos and are committed by blacks and hispanics against other blacks and hispanics. They use illegally acquired guns, so more gun laws will do nothing.’ 

Up to 90% of the crime is committed by……. non-Whites. 

It also shows that the US national crime rate has dropped by half since the high of 1991, with violent crime dropping by 51%. 

So, most of the crime is being committed in the non-White ghettos of America – where Blacks kills Blacks. YET, Obama and the media keep feeding the lies that Black men are being harassed by the cops. If they are doing the most crime, then they would be in contact with the cops the most. Fact.

It’s why I’ve always maintained that cops avoid going into these areas – leave them to kill each other in their ghettos. It’s called population control. And only the strong and smart make it out alive (mostly). It may increase their average IQ. 

It also points to another lie from the Left – that guns are the problem in America. No, the exact opposite is true. 

There has never been more guns in the hands of American citizens (thanks Obama!) than today – and yet the crime and murder rates keep dropping. The truth is, the more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens, the more well-behaved the society. Would you, as a criminal, go into a house if you didn’t know if there was a gun at the other end? Would you attack someone on the streets if you didn’t know if they were carrying a gun? 

This simple truth explains why the days of the “Wild West” were the safest in America. Everyone carried a gun. Plus, there were fewer Blacks back then. And we all know Blacks and crime go hand in hand like Coke and Cola (truth alert!!).

Not that I’m only singling Blacks out, mind you. Any low-IQ racial group tend to be more violent. Think (non-White) Hispanics, think Australian Aborigines, think NZ Maori’s, think Arabs (the in-bred Muzloid types). You will also find a higher crime rate among Whites with lower IQ’s compared to average IQ’d Whites. That’s why Whites tend to segregate from this group as well. It’s not all about race….

So, there’s your truth. Arm yourself and proclaim it loud and proud. And watch the Left cockroaches scurry from the light of truth and fact.
