Afrikaners denied all survival-rights


While fund-raisers are held as far afield as Poland and The Netherlands to help the one-million destitute, often homeless Afrikaner families survive in their bleak little squatter camps, the South African government has made laws which deny all survival rights to Afrikaners: This small 3,5m strong minority in South Africa is denied food-aid, land-rights, most jobs and even denied public housing in their own historic suburbs.

White Poverty and little sympathy in South Africa Reuters photog Finnbar OReilly

15-million blacks receive survival benefits and food-aid – but Afrikaners are denied those rights:

There is a growing suspicion that the  3,5-million Afrikaners are being deliberately starved to death:  for while poverty is rife amongst more than 40million South Africans, at least 15-million black South African residents do receive monthly survival benefits including food-aid for themselves and their children through the US-Aidprogramme which is administered by the ANC-regime. Black South Africans also are entitled to child-benefits, surviving-spouse pensions and even free school-fees. None of those benefits are granted to any Afrikaners who apply for them.

The destitute Afrikaners in the squatter camps have suffered chronic malnutrition for the past ten years. Many will not be able to survive much longer against this onslaught, also because they are also not allowed to workfor a living. In a recent shocking incident in Kimberley, some 600 children at an Afrikaans-language primary school who already suffer from chronic malnutrition and rely on school meals for their survival, reportedly were collapsing and falling asleep at school because the ANC-regime had stopped their school meals without any advance warning. At this school, Afrikaans speaking children of Afrikaner- and Khoi-San extraction are all suffering the same fate.

AFRIKANERS HUNGER MALNUTRITION amongst hundreds of Kimberley schoolkids reports Volksblad Above: Afrikaner- and Khoi-San children attending the Vooruitsig Primary School in Kimberley were denied school-meals by the ANC-regime’s Education Department. The headmaster has lodged an appeal against the department’s decision.

Donate: Poland:  Afrykanerzy‘, run by unpaid volunteers Krystian Zielonka, Thomas and Matthew Ropiaka Sitkiewicz. Email:  Account number 94160014621843040570000002 (Poland) Reference of account: Pride and Modernity (IBAN) PL94160014621843040570000002 (BIC) PPABPLPK



Afrikaner children deliberately alienated from their heritage:

The country’s so-called ‘whites’ also are denied any rights to work for a living under the ANC regime’s black-economic empowerment laws. Another major human-rights violation is the fact that Afrikaner whites are increasingly being forced to swear off their own cultural heritage and Afrikaans language —  especially if they want public housing. For instance, the ANC regime recently decided to grant ‘public housing rights’ to 15 Afrikaner families amidst a blaze of publicity – but these families had to move into the black township of Kagiso. (below) Afrikaner children thus are being deliberately removed from their own cultural environment.H undreds of Afrikaans-language places of education have been closed down or anglicised by the ANC-regime.

The Afrikaner-rights organisation PRAAG recently lodged a formal complaint detailing such human rights violations by the ANC-regime at the Commonwealth human-rights commission:

POOR WHITES 15 FAMILIES IN BLACK TOWNSHIP KAGISO l KoekieVDBerg r AnnemarieKapp FOTO24 Nicolene Olckers

Above: Mrs Koekie van der Berg and Mrs Annemarie Kapp were amongst the 15 Afrikaner families who were given public housing in the black township of Kagiso amidst a blaze of publicity. Their children are thus also being removed from their own Afrikaans heritage and forced into another culture. Black residents also objected to the whites in their midst. Picture: Nickolene Olckers

SA regime hides atrocities against Afrikaners in crime-stats:

The SAPS are also not investigating any human-rights violations in SA as ‘hatecrimes’ as described under the Rome Statute —  but as ‘ common crimes ‘ .  Moreover, the ANC-leadership refused to meet international genocide expert Prof Greg Stanton during his recent visit to South Africa to discuss these issues:

SA hatecrimes summary from Jan 2010 to Aug 6 2012:  While millions of homeless SA children of all races now are at great risk from hunger, sexual predation and child-slavery gangs: the ANC regime does provide food-aid and benefits to black destitute residents – but not to poor Afrikaner whites. They also put pressure on Afrikaner-charities usch as Helping Hand of Solidarity Trade Union to no longer help whites, but instead to use their donated funds in black communities. Another fact which has emerged this month is that the ANC-regime’s police are under orders to not reportnor investigate any hatecrimes even though they are obligated under the Rome Statute to do so.


Above: Amongst the latest dehumanising hatecrimes recorded in SA from June 1 2012 to Aug 1 2012, were 180hatecrimes targetting the ‘white’ community: victims included Afrikaners and Jewish community members: Another 400 Afrikaner farm-families were left destitute and homeless internal refugees in their own country after the ANC took their land and refused to pay them the agreed-to sales price. And this past week, the SA Jewish Board of Deputies also issued a statement denouncing the anti-Jewish hatespeech of leaders of the co-ruling Cosatu Trade Union movement in South Africa.  Details on 

A new trend also was noticed over the past two years: many Afrikaners were often brutally assaulted, tortured and/or killed during socalled ‘armed robberies’, but inevitably, their black staffers, while also tied up, were left unscathed.
