



The Aryan tends to blame all their ills, disasters and destruction of civilization on the “enemy”.

That the enemy of the Aryan Race has to carry the greatest burden is true, but the fact that we also are to be blamed is not to be ignored.

The blame the Aryan has to carry is his weakness to be led by the nose, to be influenced very easily. It is not that the “enemy” is so strong it is just the fact that we became so weak.

This attitude of the Aryan to always feel sorry for the under-dog, the underman will be his downfall and that does not exclude the extinction of the Race as such.

We, of the Aryan Race, the Arya, have been born with compassion, on the one hand not a bad thing, but being wasted in the wrong direction, detrimental to our own health.

We have in the first place not done the black races any service by bringing them into our civilization. All, in all, we with our compassion, or our way of reasoning what is right or wrong, took them out of their environment, bereft them from their roots, by so doing making them a dangerous and angry enemy.

The lack of understanding from the Aryan man to the fact that the other races have an inborn hatred towards our civilization, it is destroying the very fiber of who and what we are and this is also undermining our civilization.

With this “oh shame” attitude we have allowed the uncontrolled breeding of unassimilable races. Now with sheer numbers we are swamped into chaos. Now with the pressure of the enemy (the Jews) the Aryan Race is succumbing to majority rule, this started in the North of Africa, South Africa being the last to fall.

In the not in the too distant future it will be the turn of Australia, New Zealand, the United States of America, with Europe and the United Kingdom not far behind.

With Europe and the United Kingdom being pressured to allow more aliens, the future of Aryan man looks bleak indeed. The end result of this idiocy will be that no race on earth will be able to find his own roots, but the saddest of it all the annihilation of the Aryan.

The solution to this problem will be a stronger will. More compassion to our own as this channeling of that weakness can become a strength to be reckoned with.

But the Aryan needs knowledge and he must show his willingness to search for the TRUTH, as only TRUTH will set us free. Because of the lack of knowledge the Aryan Race will be destroyed.

The influence of the media on the emotions and compassion of the Aryan is immense. The sad part of it is that the Aryan became too soft, too civilized and too scared to open his mouth, not even to speak of taking a stand. He allows all to walk over him, because he is so “decent”. This decency will cost him his life and in the end the annihilation of his species.

Even amongst the Rightwing there is this line that must be crossed, we are still fighting a gentlemen’s war. This is pure hogwash! Up to a point the last “gentlemen’s war” was the Anglo-Boer War and that ended in concentration camps. No war or battle is a gentlemen’s war, there is no “civilized” way to fight this war.

War is not to be desired, but if that is the last resort to save the Race, his future, his civilization and his soul, it must be fought, there is no other way. It is better die with honor, than to live in disgrace and humiliation.

To quote Disraeli: “RACE IS ALL.”

It is time that Aryan man understands the issue of Race that is foundation of it all.


