
Bloody trail of murder in South Africa

A family of four was massacred in a likely race-motivated attack in Rodora, Randfontein on March 10, 2016. The number of farm attacks has increased from already intolerable levels after Nelson Mandela’s death in 2013….

A brutal reality in South Africa

Brutal scenes in South Africa. On this farm in Randfontein, an entire family was killed in the middle of March , including nine -year-old girl Kayla . Four uneaten sandwiches in the sink (not in…


  By Jan Lamprecht Monday, March 4, 2013 “I killed them because they were white.” These famous words were spoken last year by William Kekana, who participated in one of the most horrendous incidents in…

Huge SA Crime Rate & Its Racial Profile The Article no newspaper dares to publish about Racist Crimes in South Africa which also has the world’s highest murder rate From Jan Lamprecht 1-16-10 I received this from a good friend. It came…

Afrikaners denied all survival-rights

While fund-raisers are held as far afield as Poland and The Netherlands to help the one-million destitute, often homeless Afrikaner families survive in their bleak little squatter camps, the South African government has made laws…