





Article posted by: White Nation correspondent Witbank  –   January 25  2016


















This is an old letter- but the reality still lies fresh within the minds of white Boers in South Africa who has become the target for demonetization from not only the communist ANC and their evil media- but also white Afrikaner traitors and British communists working for the ANC.

Although the ANC communists themselves were guilty of much worse atrocities against the safety of the previous government and innocent people (like the Church street bomb) – not ONE ANC member was ever taken into custody or had been sent to jail- but on the contrary they all walk free- and many served in high positions in the communist ANC regime.


Yet- yet they deem themselves “untouchable” – all while they sent white Boers to jail for a lesser crime. The National Party at their CODESA sell-out- and specifically De Klerk– also are heavily to blame for this whole entrapment operation. Reading through this testimonies only highlight the treason, entrapment- and devious conspiracies with witch the ANC, media, police – and treacherous back-stabbing Afrikaner traitors were busy to incarcerate these members of the Boeremag.


When sentenced- although these members had to sit 11 YEARS awaiting trail- that time already done were not taken in consideration- and they were sentenced to a further  10-35 years in jail due to ANC/communist instigated political meddling into the case. Not ONE ANC terrorist received a jail sentence this huge for their part in trying to overthrow the previous government bar Mandela. This is ostensibly one of the most evil conspiracies against the white Boer people of South Africa by the Zionists, communists- and white Afrikaner “joiners” since the second Boer war. As sources and some testimonies indicate- some of these evil “police informers“and state witnesses received lucrative remunerations from private funding for their treason against their own people-  and now live comfortable lives “elsewhere ” – whereas innocent entrapped Boer members must languish  in jail under difficult circumstances and their families torn apart. THAT is the” Judas syndrome “ Afrikaners are quite well renowned for- selling out their kinsmen for 30 pieces of silver. During the Boer war there were many of these white reptiles that also sold out their people to the British invader.

As with the Boer war deception- all the demons again assembled around the altar of their demon god- all were present….the National Party zealots, , Zionist bankers, treacherous “agents” and white “joiners, “ police informants, evil WHITE policemen, communist politicians  and members of the judiciary – to again sacrifice the Boer as their offer for their farce “democracy.”  Their names and the heinous deeds they committed  against the Boer nation  will not be forgotten. Through their evil works more than 4000 white farmers and many other innocent whites have died in vain- and a once healthy country now on the brink of collapse.







“My name is Wilhem Pretorius. I am 35 years old and have been married since 2000. I am part of a group of 24 men in South Africa who were accused in the Boeremag Trial in 2002 of treason.

That barbarian methods of torturing are used by police [imperial police] is one hundred percent correct. I can personally testify to this.

On 10 December 2002, I, Wilhelm Pretorius, a 25 year old student, was arrested on political and especially weapons-related charges, including high treason and conspiracy to a coup d’état. The charges were essentially similar to those for which a group of ANC-members [African National Congress] consisting of most current South African Members of Parliament [of the “new” Republic of South Africa (RSA) Empire] were charged during the apartheid years.

I was arrested at 20h00 (8:00 pm) in a park in Pretoria while it was drizzling. My hands were tied behind my back with thick, strong plastic cables, in such a way that the blood supply to my hands was denied. For approximately two hours I lay on the ground on my stomach. During this time, one of the policemen came and stood on my neck.

After approximately two hours, Captain Johan Vice (Johannes Cornelius Vice) – an Afrikaans-speaking white at the service of the imperial police) took me to a Venture vehicle belonging to the police that had dark-tinted windows. When I got into the vehicle, which was driven by a white woman, Capt Vice was seated directly behind me, and one Lotter, another policeman, on the right-hand side of the seat behind mine. My hands were still tightly bound, so that my hands were already feeling numb. The next thing I knew was Capt Vice throwing his shirt over my head and pulling it back sharply, with the obvious intention of strangling me. I struggled violently and managed to free my head from the shirt, totally dazed by what had just happened. I still was not prepared for the barbarism that would follow. He pulled the shirt over my eyes to blind me. Capt Vice is approximately 2 m (6’6”) tall. He is a large man with massive hands. With his gigantic hands, he grabbed me around my throat, pushing in my Adam’s apple to shut off my windpipe so that I simply could not breathe. I squirmed and struggled, but his hands were firmly anchored around my throat, like the paws of a lion around the throat of an impala. I struggled for breath so vehemently that I eventually landed on the middle seat of the Venture.

I was now virtually lying on his lap, with my hands still bound behind my back. Using his fist, he repeatedly hit me on the side of my face asking where my brothers were. At that stage, they were still wanted by the police for the same case. This process continued for a long time. He also forcefully pushed his finger into my ear.

At one stage, we stopped next to the road Vice threatened that if I would try to remove the shirt from my eyes, he would kill me. He said to me that he had made special arrangements for a so called “Kaffir” (black man) to rape me. “They have been craving nice white flesh for quite some time now,” he sneered. Somebody with alcohol on his breath then bent over me, as I was lying on the middle seat of the Venture, while the door was open. This person spoke in isiZulu and repeatedly tampered with my trousers and my belt. He also repeatedly slapped me in the face. I did not understand what he was saying. Sometimes he spoke near to me so that I could smell the odour of alcohol on his stinking breath. I later recognized the person from his voice as one of the policemen who much later interrogated me again. Again I was hit on the side of my face by Capt Vice, again and again. I was also repeatedly asked if I were a “virgin,” referring to the fact that I was going to be raped. This was continuously repeated to me.

They then took me out of the car and made me lie on a plastic sheet next to the road. It sounded to me as if it were a deserted place. I was still blindfolded and could not see where I was. The plastic cables started cutting into the flesh of my arms and my hands were totally numb, Capt Vice came and sat on me and forced a rubbery piece of material over my mouth and nose. I could get no breath. I initially kicked and struggled, but quickly realized that it only caused me to waste more breath. This process continued while they shouted and swore at me. I lay on my numb hands and gasped for breath. Sometimes I just gave up and let go so that I could die, at other times I just saw stars before my eyes. My lungs felt as if they would burst, while my whole body was exhausted from being deprived of oxygen. They continued cursing me and threatening to kill me. “Didn’t you sh** in your pants yet?” and other similar remarks were shouted at me.

During the struggle I landed on my stomach after having rid myself of the blindfold. I could then see who the savage was who had carried out his barbarian acts on me. The same man came and sat on me. He put the inner tube over my mouth and nose, and pulled my neck backwards, usingbrute force. Every second it felt as if my neck would break. I was helpless and could not do anything except endure it. I got no breath, my whole back and neck felt as if they would break at any moment. There were times when I just gave up and thought to myself that if my neck had to be broken, then let it be. Initially I struggled against this murderer with all my power, but later I just gave up and let go. “If my neck breaks now, it would at least be the end of this hell,” I found myself thinking. I then relaxed my whole body so that my neck could break. I was to find out afterwards that one of the AWB men, Phil Kloppers, who is still in jail today in a wheelchair, had been paralyzed by similar police torture.

After this session, the person stood on my lower back while he violently forced my hands upwards. It felt as if my arms were being torn out of their sockets. My head was against the ground, and my neck was stretched in such a way that once again I could not breathe. This continued thewhole time while they yelled questions at me about where my brothers were, how we communicated, and when I was supposed to see them again. I did not know where they were and had to think up a story of how we communicated and where they were, in order to get them to allow me some rest. They did not allow me any rest, however. After this torture session, my shoulders hurt so much that I could not lift them. For two weeks afterwards, I was unable to lift my arms above my shoulders, and two years afterwards, my shoulder still gave me problems during exercises. My torturer had completely strained my shoulder ligaments.

I again landed on my back and was again suffocated with the rubber inner tube. At one stage, this was replaced by a plastic sheet. He then also repeatedly rubbed his knuckles violently on my breastbone. After I breathed for a moment, he would pick me up and put me on my feet. Approximately 8-10 times he hit me in the stomach with full force, so that I fell to the ground. There was an unknown grey-haired policeman whom I will be able to recognize, who held me while the other one beat me up. I was picked up and hit in the stomach again and again.

After this session had finished, I was again blindfolded, this time with striped police barrier tape, the kind they use for roping off crime areas. This tape was wound tightly around my face. I can remember Vice and Lotter, and saw that there were two bakkies (light trucks) While this episode lasted, I heard them opening beer cans. In the bakkie there were a lot of empty beer cans.

They put me in the car again, finally believing that I would meet my brothers that night and that they would hide a message for me or I would hide one for them under a stone at an old fort which I knew well. We then drove to the fort, but they did not stop torturing me. On the way there, Capt Vice hit me on the elbow with the butt of his pistol and again hit me on the side of my face and pushed his finger into my ear. He also started hitting me on my thigh repeatedly. At that time, I had no feeling left in my hands. Even the blows to my head only made me see stars, but I actually did not feel the blows any more. The fact that I could breathe again was valuable to me.

I was lying on the middle seat of the bakkie. I heard them cocking their 9 mm pistols and running towards the fort. They shouted that they had seen tracks there and that my brothers probably were there. This was not so however, as people regularly visit that fort, and my brothers would never meet me there. We had not arranged to meet, and I did not know where they were.

We drove off again. I now promised that I would cooperate, in order to get a break to rest a little. My mind was tired, my throat bone dry, my hands were numb, and my whole being was blunted. Vice now cut off the plastic cords, using his pocket knife, and in the process, he also caused a cut in my left wrist. In spite of the fact that the cables had been removed, I still had no feeling. They bought me a Coke. My throat was so dry that the gas stuck to my throat. We drove to their offices in the Piet Joubert building in Visagie Street. Here I was ordered to wash my face. I was startled to see my face in the mirror. My nose was covered with blood, and my face was so swollen that it looked like a pumpkin.

We walked upstairs to an office. Here, they peppered me with questions. Every time I gave an answer they did not like, they repeatedly slapped my head. Again, it was Capt Vice, Lotter, and the grey-haired policeman whose voice I recognized as the one who had pretended to be the black man who would rape me. There was a Zulu present as well. At one stage, when they started screaming at me again, they said that I had to go with the Zulu, because they knew how to make people talk. One Colonel Van Rooyen [another Afrikaans-speaking white at the service of the imperial police] then entered and took me aside. He had come to tell me that his father shares my views on politics. I had to cooperate with these people, though. He tried to convince me. When I asked him whether I did not have a right to remain silent, he became more aggressive and said that acriminal does not have the right to remain silent. Once a person has committed a crime, he no longer has a right to remain silent. He took me back to the others. Again they slapped me several times if they were not satisfied with the answers I provided. One Commissioner Pruis and another commissioner then arrived. Also they peppered me with questions. We left the offices at approximately 10:00 (am). The policemen were in a jovial mood. I was not handcuffed. We got into the bakkie. It was the same bakkie in which we had driven there, and I also saw the pieces of barrier tape which they had used to blindfold me.

We then drove to Hartebeesfontein police station, approximately 300 km (200 miles) west van Pretoria. On the way there, we stopped at a liquor store in a town. The same three policemen asked me if I would go and buy liquor for them. I realized that if I did this, they could allege that I was trying to escape, and would able to shoot me dead. I refused, but tried to seem amicable. Lotter, who sat next to me in the back, then went to buy the beer. They also gave me some beer, while they opened one beer after another. On the way to Potchefstroom, we passed through a roadblock, which made them very nervous, as they had drunk quite a lot. My legal representative, Jaco van der Wateren in the meantime had traced me to Vice’s cell phone and I at last had an opportunity to talk to him. I also later phoned him from the police station. Vice told me that, if I cooperated nicely, they would look after me, otherwise they would “put me in with some Kaffirs.” “The Kaffirs are going to f**k you. Are you still a virgin, Willempie?” he sneeringly mocked me. When we arrived at the police station, I immediately phoned my attorney, who recommended that I file charges right away. I then made a statement without delay.

That night, I was locked up alone in an ice cold cell without being provided with any warm garments. My whole body was in a state of shock. The hairy, dirty blanket was insufficient. My neck was completely limp, and I to keep my head up was difficult. I carried my arms in front of me in a folded position, because I was unable to lift them. I started to experience a pins-and-needles feeling in my hands. I had pain-reliever tablets. My throat was so swollen from the strangulation that I could not eat anything. I could swallow with great difficulty only. I was locked up in the cell without water. I could not reach my wife on the telephone and was to learn afterwards that she had also been arrested, and one of my friends as well. I spent the night without painkillers or any other medication. Only the next morning did a policeman from Hartebeesfontein take me to a district surgeon. The DS examined me in the presence of the policeman, and I made sure that he made proper notes of all my injuries.

I was later informed that my wife’s door was kicked off while she was standing within sight of the police, phoning her attorney. They assaulted her and plucked the phone from her hand. A friend of mine who arrived on the scene was manhandled, and when he arrived at his car, he found that rivets had been shot into his tyres in order to prevent him from following them to see where they were taking my wife.

Capt Vice and Lotter still form part of the investigation team of the criminal case brought against me and others, which has been serving before a court of law for almost three years now. To date, nothing has come of the complaint filed by me. I have never yet met the investigating officer. In fact, no investigation has yet been done at all. Au contraire, Capt Vice sits in court daily. He handles all written evidence of the accused, handles our security in jail, and is in charge of visits by our families. He sits in court daily and leers at us. Is this not a highly irregular arrangement under any legal system?

The ANC regularly complains that its members had been tortured by these monsters, yet the ANC has knowingly turned the self-same “policemen” [including a good number of Afrikaans-speaking whites] loose upon its political opponents. Their members just turn their heads away while similar and worse violations are perpetrated against us [the Boers]. This report mentions only the torture perpetrated against me personally. This does not even touch upon the refined psychic torture to which we are subjected day and night in jail. Justice and righteousness cannot be relied upon in this country [Empire] any longer. The monster of police brutality is a reality which is perpetuated by politically motivated silence.





We now were improsined in 2002 as awaiting trial detainees and our trial commenced in May 2003. Its 10 years later and we are still awaiting trial. We have been repeatedly refused bail without good cause. This will be our 11th year being held in prison waiting for something. Is this not an infringment of human rights?

Furthermore, we forwarded a motion to be treated as prisoners of war while we were being accused of waging a war of independence for the Boer people against South Africa. The motion was denied with many claims of errors being made by the judge as well as the South African Prosecuting Authority. The High Court Judge was not even aware of the international law (before the motion and we had to supply him with the said international laws.

Through various testimonies it has come to light that we have been set up by the very same people of the South African Police services that are handling the investigation. The whole case has been orchestrated by agents of Criminal Intelligence. They not only planned it, but also through agents, provoked the people to take part in illegal actions and just stood watching for months, with full access to all the pertinent details, watching idly while more innocent people were becoming part of the “Boeremag” while receiving money from the secret fund. During the trial, they were listening in on privilege and confidential Client/Attorney conversations and even bugged our cells and consentation facilities.

I have been tortured continually and during arrest for about 10 hours without any investigation into the torture. The high ranking Police officials which tortured me are still in the Police service and were even part of the investigating team. For the past 10 years we have been treated like animal in inhumane conditions. We have not been allowed any contact visits from our family and friends.

We are asking for your help to bring these continual human right violations to the attention of the international community and bring a stop to it. The second thing that I want to bring under your attention is the parole of the other Boer people that are being held in prison. Some of them have been here prior to 1994. Their parole applications have and still are being refused solely on political grounds and they are long past the date of their initial prison term or parole.”





Capt Deon Loots writes that in 1994 he was appointed to the ‘Rightwing-reactionary desk’ of the SAPS crime-intelligence service agent-provocateur Johan C Smit – the main witness for the State in the Boeremag case.  In this statement below – submitted to the Pretoria High Court on Feb 7 2013 in defense of the convicted Boeremag Treason Trialists’ sentencing, Captain (ret) Deon Loots described the ‘agent-provocateur’activities of the SAPS’ main witness against the Boeremag, J.C. Smith and other leading crime-intelligence officers’ activities. He also writes (from Item 115 onwards that the illegal tapping of telephone conversations of the Boeremag-members and their families and attorneys still occurs and that everything they do and say in their cells, is in fact monitored live with sophisticated equipment.)
“I, the undersigned DEON LOOTS hereby declare under oath, as follows:
1. I am a mature male (Identity number: 611220 5009 084) and a former member of the South AfricanPolice Service (SAPS), currently residing in Pretoria. The contents of

this Affidavit are within the sphere of my personal knowledge, regarding all the eventsmentioned (except where I have expressly stated otherwise and or where the

context by implication,indicates the contrary) and all the facts stated herein, are true and correct.

My involvement with the Police:
I am part of a family, who have strong ties with the SA Police.
My father, John Wahl Loots, was a Policeman for his entire career, having attained the rank of a full
Colonel, until he passed away in 1987.
My elder Sister, Esmeralda, also joined the ranks of the Police, after having completed her school
career and remained there, until she retired on Medical grounds in the year 2000, after also having
attained the rank of a full Colonel. She is married to a Policeman, who had also attained the rank of a
full Colonel, when he retired on pension in the Nineties (1990’s).
My younger Sister currently holds the rank of Luitenant-Colonel in the SA Police Service and is
attached to the Crime Intelligence Division, while her ex-husband is also a (Commisioned) Officer
within the selfsame Unit. They were divorced in November, 2011.
My younger Brother holds the rank of Captain, in the Correctional Services Department in Pretoria. His
wife holds the rank of Major, within the South African Air Force.
I married my wife (also a Police Officer) on the 11th December, 1993. In 1996, she was transferred to
the Head-Office of the SA Police Services (Wachthuis, Pretorius Street, Pretoria). She was then again
transferred to the Crime Intelligence Division of the SA Police Services and who currently holds the
rank of a full Colonel.
Both my parents inculcated me with a strong sense of fairness, discipline and civilised norms. I was
taught, that if people don’t exhibit respect for such norms and values, that they then are tyrants,
whose sole purpose is, to sow chaos and anarchy within their communities.
I have been a member of the SA Police, since 1979, where I accordingly performed duties at, viz. SA
Police Gezina (Pretoria); Radio-Control (Pretoria). Thereafter, I was transferred to the Riot Unit, where
I remained until 1987, before I was once again transferred to the Kwa Ndebele Security (Police)
Since 1990, I was attached to the Security Branch (Northern Transvaal, Pretoria), where I was
primarily tasked with the monitoring of all actions and the activities in both the Mamelodi- and Kwa
Ndebele areas, who operated on the so-called, ‘left-wing’ (political) terrain.
In 1994, I was transferred to the ‘Right-wing-Reactionary Desk’, a part of the former Crime
Intelligence Division, where I was tasked to focus on the monitoring and activities of individuals of the
so-called, ‘Right-wing’ Reactionary groups and Movements. I specifically had to infiltrate and
investigate these individuals and Organizations. At about the end of 1996, I was promoted to the rank
of Captain.
In 1996, I initially worked in the Overt-Unit of the SAPS, Crime Intelligence Division (herein later
referred to as: ‘MDi’, the Afrikaans acronym for ‘Misdaad Intelligensie Eenheid’, which I will employ,
instead of the English acronym, viz. ‘CI’ – Crime Intelligence). Thereafter in 1997, I was transferred to
the Covert-Unit of ‘MDi’, where I remained, until my retirement on Medical grounds on the 15th
October, 2001 from the SA Police Services.
My respective Commanders at the Overt-Unit of the MDi were initially, Brigadier Loots, then Colonel
Roelf Venter and thereafter Colonel Manie van Staden. At the subsequent Covert-Unit, my Commander
was Superintendent (Lieutenant-Colonel) Riaan van Schalkwyk.
I recruited informants, including mr J.C. Smit, who is now one of the (prime) State Witnesses in the
‘Boeremag Case’ (Afrikaans version: Boeremag Saak translated as Boer-Force).
During the middle of 1994, I identified various possible, new Informants with the express purpose of
recruiting them. I had no option, but to recruit new Informants because to my knowledge there were
virtually no existing Informants, of which I was aware of. This was a totally new territory to me, but I
once again purposed to make a success of my task, goal and function.
Consequently, I targeted a person by the name of mr Johan Smit, alias JC Smit and eventually
managed to recruit him, by pursuading him to act as an Informant. At that stage, he was still
employed at ISCOR (acronym for: Iron and Steel Corporation) in Vanderbijlpark. If he, for example,
was an Informant for Military Intelligence, I am still oblivious thereof, to this day.
I was however, acutely aware of JC Smit’s alleged involvement with the AWB’s (the Afrikaans acronym
for: Afrikaner Resistance Movement) ‘Ystergarde’ (‘Iron Fist’, the paramilitary-wing of the AWB), who
had planted bombs in Johannesburg and Jan Smuts Airport during 1994 and therefore he became
invaluable to recruit, as an Informant.
The following facts are within my knowledge, including the background of JC Smit’s activities as an
Informant and subsequently, as a agent-Provocateur (to serve as a conduit, in order to incite others, to
commit illegal acts) of the SAPS, amongst both individuals and Groups connected to the ‘Right-wing’
while both I and my incumbent, acted as his Handler, viz. JC Smit
JC Smit’s operational functions and the start of the ‘Boeremag’ saga
During 1996, JC Smit was actively involved with a certain, mr Kobus van Marle, who then resided in
Doornpoort, Pretoria. Von Marle exposed and introduced JC Smit to various people, including an
Informant mr Jannie Smuts of the East Rand (Johannesburg), who worked together with mr Johan
Regarding JC Smit, Jannie Smuts, Niemoller and mr Adriaan (called ‘At’) van Wyk, the following
(a) I was informed by colleagues in MDi, that for many years, Jannie Smuts collaborated with
Niemoller (work-related), as well as both being involved in Cross-Border Trade (for example, in
Angola), illegally trading in Medicine, Diamonds and Military hardware.
I was further informed, that Jannie Smuts was an Informant for MDi. Later, Director Roos informed
me, that Niemoller clandestinely worked for Military Intelligence.
(b) In South Africa, especially at the beginning of the so-called, Boeremag investigation, Jannie
Smuts, according to my information, was actively involved with mr Niemoller in scheduling Meetings,
which included mr Jan Viljoen.
My information at that point in time was, that the call by some Right-Wing Activists to commit criminal
acts – as will be referred to later – was already in an advanced stage and that Jannie Smuts and his
Handler then concurred, that both he and Niemoller should forthwith be withdrawn from any active
involvement in the Boeremag investigation.
(c) Once I had departed from the SAPS, JC Smit was transferred to a new Handler, Colonel Louis
Pretorius. Pretorius had initially wanted to recruit mr At van Wyk – who later became an acussed in the
Boeremag trial – but At van Wyk declined to be recruited as an Informant, according to what Pretorius
personally informed me.
Pretorius then futher personally informed me, that he had forthwith instructed, that any evidence of
former criminal activities or acts, that could possibly incriminate or embarrass, At van Wyk should be
established or otherwise at the very least, that he should be incriminated and linked in one way or the
other, to the Boeremag investigation. However nothing concrete could be found to incriminate mr van
Wyk and then, according to what JC Smit later told me, Pretorius consequently fabricated At van Wyk’s
involvement in the Boeremag Investigation in his Statement, with the express purpose of falsely
incriminating (to ‘frame’) mr van Wyk because of the fact, that he refused to co-operate as an
Informant for MDi.
At the beginning of 1997, JC Smit informed me, that Von Marle had mentioned, that Johan Niemoller
had held various Meetings, in order to discuss how to put in place, a self-defence plan (for Whites), in
case matters turned out for the worse in South Africa. The plan was to employ the Commandos (rural
military units affiliated to the South African National Defence Force) in case of anarchy (by the black
population), but primarily to restore Law and Order (after anarchy created by the black population). JC
Smit further informed me, that an ‘influential’ person, by name: ‘uncle’ Jan Viljoen was involved and
supported Niemoller at these supra (mentioned) Meetings.
In our planning, JC Smit was tasked by me to initiate contact with mr Jan Viljoen, which subsequently
materialised. At this point in time, early 1997, I forwarded my first Reports on the Boeremag Meetings
to Police Headquarters in Pretoria.
This was the beginning of the ‘Boeremag’ saga of events and fully reflects, the direct involvement of
the SAPS Crime Intelligence Division (MDi) and how they developed and then covertly ‘managed’ the
Boeremag members, acting as Agent-provocateurs (these are people with a hidden agenda, who
themselves do not become intricately involved in a matter, but use gullible members of the community
to further their immoral agenda).
As a direct consequence of these Reports (see para. 19) to Police Head Office, I was summonsed to
Head Office to explain and elaborate to senior Police Officers – who were in charge of the Right-wing
division at Crime Intelligence – where and how, I had managed procure the supra information; how
reliable the information was and whether it could be verified at all.
This meeting was consequently followed up by a number of workshops, where planning took place in
order to establish, how we could employ existing Informants to infiltrate these new ‘Right-wing
My information was subsequently verified, chiefly via Jannie Smuts’s Handler (Riaan van Schalkwyk)
and another Policeman, who went by the nickname of ‘Strys’. Jannie Smuts during that period of time,
all of a sudden seemed to be collaborating with Jan Viljoen in planning and arranging Meetings, which
Niemoller then happened to address.
At that point in time, Director Roos was given control and responsibility for the MDi Project (where
Informants had to arrange and infiltrate Right-wing Meetings and to report their subsequent findings
on persons attending these Meetings).
He wanted the origins (who the persons were, who had initiated these Meetings) of these Meetings to
be established and exactly, what was discussed at these Meetings because according to him (MDi),
Niemoller was not known to plan and hold Meetings and Roos further mentioned, that Niemoller had no
history of political activism, although he was previously involved with Military Intelligence and was a
trained, Special Forces soldier. He therefore suspected, that Niemoller was involved in planning
subversion activities.
It was during this period, that Director (now General) Mark Hankel started attending, these supra
Project meetings.
Superintendent Alfons Theron in conjunction with me, discovered after thorough investigation, that the
activities of Niemoller and friends was being sublimely orchestrated by a Group, with the pseudonym:
Verligte Aksie Groep (acronym: ‘VAG’ and means: Enlightened Action Group)
We established, that the VAG consisted of retired Army- and Police Generals, including certain former
Cabinet Ministers (former Government members), who had conspired to develop a Contingency plan.
When I happened to mention these findings in my Report, Roos immediately summonsed me and duly
instructed me to refrain from any further investigation into VAG. I was crudely informed, to focus on
only on handling my Informant.
From 1999, our information from the Informants suggested heightened activity amongst the Rightwing
people, so much so, that Head Office (MDi) decided to arrange workshops, which involved
different SAPS-members from all over the country, whose work primarily involved Right-wing activity,
monitoring, in order to discuss Right-wing actions and plan how to manage and ‘steer’ these respective
persons and their actions towards the goal set by the MDi.
I must however, mention the fact, that all Right-wing activities – immaterial of which of the following
Agencies were involved, viz. the Security Police (SAPS); National Intelligence (NIA); Military
Intelligence (MI) and currently also SA Secret Service are involved – have all managed to infiltrate and
even covertly manage and in some instances, even functionally operate these Right-wing Organizations
via their Informants.
During 2000, a strategy evolved, whereby our planning had to include measures to control all Rightwing
activities and to ensure, that MDi was in full control of Niemoller at any given moment.
All our Informants were specifically tasked to become intimately involved with specifically targeted
persons and certain pre-arranged activities. They were to attend Meetings – of which some were
organised or intiated by MDi – and pertinently discuss, the so-called: ‘DOCUMENT 12’ [to which, I will
refer to later and if necessary adapt it, in order subjectively influence all Right-wing decisions taken in
these Meetings and which would ultimately lead to MDi being in control.
They were to also create the necessary (Right-wing Culture) ambience, in order to attract other
(politically) right-leaning persons to these Meetings. The raisson d’Etre (the motive or real reason) was
to create scenarios, whereby it seemed, that these persons and Groups were fast becoming a national
threat to security although in reality it was MDi, who had created these covert actions in order to
accumulate these like-minded persons and manage them thereby.
In reality, these SAPS Handlers via their Informants, who had by now effectively become SAPSinitiated
Agent-Provocateurs (instead of mere Informants) controlled and even intiated Right-wing
activities, without the person in the street (ordinary citizen) being unaware of what was taking place,
while the Right-wing leaders were being led around by the nose. Those leaders, who refused to toe the
line, were subtlely subjugated to keep following these quasi-Right-wing Agent-provocateurs.
Consequently many Right-wing leaning persons abdicated their leadership roles, while ordinary
members absconded. The agendas for these Meetings were planned to a ‘T’, in order to retain as many
members and directly, albeit clandestinely, to keep ‘driving’ Mdi’s hidden agenda.
These Meetings, as orchestrated by MDi, were to be held regularly, in order to continually keep
influencing these Right-wing inclined persons. At this point, my conscience flatly refused to co-operate
with my Mdi Commander’s, will-o-wisp wishes because I came to the realization, that, what we were
busy with, was not only unfair and contra bonos mores (against good social morals), but highly illegal
and amounted to the fact, that MDi had become the de facto (in actual fact) ‘drivers’ of an illegal
In my subsequent Reports, addressed to Head Office, I consistently drew their attention to the fact,
that these Right-wing activities were not aimed at subversion or an worst, an attempted coup d’etat,
but were merely concoted as a self-defence mechanism, in the event of unrest and anarchy, in South
Africa, should matters take a turn for the worst.
I once again reminded the MDi Seniors that these actions emanated from plans initially drawn up by
the VAG. However my pleas continued to fall on deaf ears and I slowly came to the realisation, that
because of my averse views to their grandiose plans, I was becoming more and more isolated by my
(The background to the anarchy, lies in the fact, that the black population creates anarchy, in much the same way as
has happened in other African countries in the past, when the white population was massacred.)
I was issued with a final warning from Director Roos, where he warned me, to not to become involved
with any investigations, which were directed at the VAG and to focus solely on any instructions, that I
might receive. Having to work under these conditions, led to me becoming stressed to the point of
being close to a nervous breakdown because I could clearly see, where we were heading to, in our
SAPS Mdi-initiated provocateurism activities. The SAPS role in directing and actually training Agentprovocateurs
deeply upset me because innocent people were being provoked and compromised to
commit crimes against their will. Yet I had nobody to turn to in my desperation because the very
SAPS-hierarchy were the de facto protagonists in fuelling racial-hatred and were instrumental in the
killing of an innocent person in cold blood, as will be seen later.
I refused to bow to the rape of my conscience by men, whose only interest was self-directed, selfenrichment
at the terrible price of innocent families and their sons being imprisoned. My pleas for
equity and justice in this matter, caused serious and prolonged enmity between myself and my
Superiors and consequently, they decided to cancel my due promotion. This caused even further
anxiety to such an extent, that I had no option, but to accept early retirement on Medical grounds.
Although my last day at work was scheduled to be the 15th October, 2001, I still remained embroiled in
MDi’s activities, due to unforeseen circumstances. Some of the circumstances were, inter alia:
? Familial ties and inter-personal communication (I was married to Col. Miranda Loots, who
functioned as Genl. Hankel’s ‘right hand’)
? Certain practical actions and decisions taken on the part of both Col. Louis Pretorius and Genl.
? Consequent to my relationship with both JC Smit (and his wife), I was regularly informed of
what was happening and of the instructions received and consequently able to keep abreast
with the most of Mdi’s precepts and activities, right through until 2010, regarding the
progress of the Boeremag investigation and Court applications, as will be construed vide infra
(see below).
At the time of my retirement in 2001, Genl. Hankel (then still a Director in SAPS) had already become
fully involved in the Boeremag investigation, which subsequent to my retirement, was codenamed:
Project Wacko by Hankel. Hy was intimately involved in the day-to-day execution of instructions to
Informants, who by now had assumed active Agent-Provocateur’s roles. It was an open secret, that he
was the ‘vector’ driving the Investigation on a daily basis and even went so far as to openly pronounce,
that this Project would become his single ‘biggest baby’!
The Commando-system was successfully dismantled because Hankel and his cronies managed to
persuade the Politicians, that the Boeremag posed a national security threat because they could
effectively employ the Commandos, their infra-structures and logistics for a possible coup d’tat (a
violent overthrow of the Government of the day) in the future. The Commandos infra-structure was
used as a rendez vous (a meeting place) for these Right-wing party) Meetings. The Mdi could
consequently hide their involvement in the dismantling of the Commando-system because it was
viewed by the public as a Political decision. Consequently, an important crime prevention structure was
effectively destroyed.
“Document 12”
(This document featured a great deal in the verdict of the men being found guilty.)
In about 1998, a document originating from Mdi was circulated between me and certain of my
colleagues, all of whom were involved in monitoring Right-wing activities, by Superintendent Riaan van
Schalkwyk, then our Office manager (Intelligence, Gauteng Province). The entire contingent of staff
were present, when the Document 12-strategy was presented to us in our Johannesburg office,
moreover including, Alex Rakow (current Handler of Jannie Smuts), Raymond Hayes and a certain
‘Strys’. The compliment total consisted of approximately seven (7) members of the Police and a Typist.
The document at that point in time consisted of only two (2) pages and the items were numbered.
Upon instruction from Van Schalkwyk, the Typist retyped the original document onto the office
I personally viewed the supra document and noticed, that it was exactly as was construed in para. 18.
Thereafter we discussed the document.
This was the first time, that I actually got to personally view the Document.
The supra document had no heading at all and as was mentioned consisted of only two (2) pages.
Previously, some of the Informants had made mention of a document, which Niemoller had discussed
at Meetings. This very document (already mentioned in para. 36) was duped ‘Document 12’ by Van
Head Office determined, that we gather on a monthly basis in order to discuss all developments and
happenings, with regard to Right-wing activity for further monitoring and follow-up. This meeting was
termed an Information Meeting. We were to further determine, how well this Plan (Document 12) was
propagated and known by the Right-wing activists.
At our next meeting, in this regard, the MDi officials from the Western Cape- and Eastern Cape
Provinces reported back, that there was no Right-wing activity in their respective Provinces, while the
Transvaal, Free State and Natal officials reported, that there were in fact, meetings convened in their
respective Provinces.
At about the beginning of 1998, MDi convened a large Meeting at the Bloemhof Dam site. During the
meeting, Director Roos, took a group of us aside, including me and instructed us to adapt Document
12, so that it would also have publicity value, so as to ensure the continued existence of MDi, while
simultaneously promoting the activites of MDi by pertinently showcasing Document 12, as if it would
be used as the framework for an attempted coup d’etat on the present-day Government.
Messr’s Werner Smith, Riaan van Schalkwyk and I represented the Gauteng (Province) at the supra
Meeting, where we decided, that each respective Handler should have a different Document 12, which
to give to their respective Informants, so that they would not be caught out (should all the Informants
having the exact same copy of Document 12). Each paragraph’s wording should therefore not follow
exactly, yet the Document 12’s wording, should lead any person reading it, to conclude, that it would
be used for the planning of a coup d’etat, by the Right-wing activists and as such, justified the actions
to be taken by MDi, as if the Right-wing had created an impression of a casus belli (an act or
circumstances provoking or justifying war).
Consequently, I instructed my Informant JC Smit, that he was to gradually implement a more offensive
wording in the Document during the Meetings, which he attended, so as to create the impression, that
the Right-wing activists were effectively planning a coup de main [a sudden, vigorous (unexpected)
The MDi via their Informants, always initiated (pre-planned) these Meetings.
At one of these supra Meetings in Kathu (a town in the Northern Cape province) SAPS Technical staff
installed a modified cellular phone in the vehicle of JC Smit, so that the members of MDi could monitor
their entire conversation throughout the journey. When he transported interested members to soem of
these Meetings, some of my colleagues, including Col. Louis Pretorius and myself could listen to their
entire conversation, while they were enroute to the respective Meeting.
We too, either waited until people – who attended these various Meetings – had departed from their
homes or we enticed them away from their homes, in order to allow time for the SAPS Technical staff
to install listening devices in different items of their furniture, with which we were able to monitor their
As I have previously mentioned, both I and other members of MDi altered the original Document 12
from a defensive document to become an offensive document.
I myself made various alterations to the particular Document 12, using the State-issued Laptop
computer, which was in the Mdi-office. Thereafter I discussed the altered Document 12 with members
of the Police, viz. Captain ‘kuifie’ Fouche, Superintendent Jan Meyer, Director Roos and Superintendent
Alfonso Theron, who also brought along their versions of Document 12 to the Meeting.
The altered text was subsequently passed on to Informants, such as Jannie Smuts, who in turn passed
it on to Niemoller and Jan Viljoen. In a similar fashion, it was given to mr Mike du Toit (who at a later
stage, also became an acussed in the Boeremag Trial).
Quite a few MDi-members, worked and continually altered the Document and therefore no one single
member, could be labelled the author.
Suffice to say, a lot of information could then in this manner, be manipulated and successfully
fabricated, to magnify the growing threat of a credible coup d’etat by the Right-wing Activists.
Mr Tollie vreugdenburg was venetually appointed as the Chief Investigator in the Boeremag
investigation, under the direct authority of Col. Louis Bester, but (according to my Spouse) they were
not fully briefed on where and from whom, the actual orchestration emanated. I am not at liberty to
say exactly how much, they knew or about how much information, they were ignorant about.
General Mark Hankel regularly boasted toward me, that he was able to (of his own ability) outwit the
other State Intelligence Agencies involved because of the fact, that he was the actual ‘brain’ behind
Mdi’s Project Wacko.
I conveyed the news of my retirement to JC Smit. At that stage, under orders from Mdi, I had already
deeply involved JC Smit in the mentioned orchestrated Right-wing activities, with the express purpose
of implementing the staging of Mdi’s (hidden) Agenda by influencing people to become involved in
these actions or compromising their activities.
Handler’s of Informants are trained how to manipulate their Informants to toe the line and to follow
instructions carefully, mainly to collate information, but because of their vulnerability, the Informants
can be relatively easily misused for any other purpose, including provocation techniques, as happened
in Project Wacko.
Handlers are also trained in the art of how to employ an Informant to execute instructions, which they
should in fact execute themselves. Informants are not always consciously aware, of what they exactly
are executing or what the final goal thereof is.
Both Hankel and Roos refused to allow JC Smit to cop out as an Informant, when I went on retirement.
Instead they instructed me, to transfer him to a Handler in Gauteng (Province but I could not find
anyone suitable, to take over from me and informed the duo accordingly.
They then instructed me to place him under the care of Col. Louis Pretorius of Klersdorp (a town in the
North-West Province) because of the fact, that he was already functional in monitoring the activities of
Right-wing Activists. JC Smit flatly refused to be handled by Col. Pretorius and suggested, that he
would be willing to co-operate, if I continued to handle him, while I functioned under the control of Col.
Pretorius. I concurred with this arrangement, subject to being phased out as soon as practically
possible. My motivation to be phased out as soon as possible, was due to the fact, that I wanted to
have nothing more to do with this farce, prevarication and self-enrichment ideas of Mdi’s, warped
orchestration ideology.
The prevailing culture within MDi was, that all Mdi-members would at one stage or another
compromise themselves, in their line of duty and as such leave themselves vulnerable and exposed to
the vagaries of extortion by Senior Officers within their respective departments. The consequences of
these undistinguished feats would lead to them being forced to commit criminal acts or to perform
duties – legal or illegal – as a ‘service’, in order not to be exposed, sometimes even after they had
resigned from the SAPS.
I treaded lightly in this regard, so as not to caught off-guard by these recalcitrant Officers, although
there were times when I had to become involved in unpleasantries in order to fulfil my functions. I fully
realised, that I was vulnerable, but not to the extent of self-destruction.
A (common) practice within the MDi department was to ‘frame’ (falsely incriminate) colleagues and
even ex-colleagues, with all the ramifications thereof. Consequently, this became my greatest fear
because I was at loggerheads with my Superiors and even some colleagues due to my averse views,
concerning the orchestration of innocent members of the public to commit crimes.
I could therefore not totally ignore or refuse instructions and even after my retirement (in 2001),
complied as far as was possible, until I was eventually phased out.
All, who worked at Mdi (SAPS), believed with an astute certainty, that they would receive promotions
because the ANC Government would then be coerced into thinking, that the MDi Branch of SAPS were
faithful handmaidens. There was talk of the possibility of big financial privileges forthflowing to MDimembers
which would include, inter alia: new vehicles technical gadgetry all of which would be sourced
from the SAPS Secret Fund.
Virtually any search of the Vehicle Registers at a Licencing Authority would reflect how many vehicles
are registered in the private names of SAPS MDi-members although these vehicles strictly belong to
the State.
I personally know of a motor vehicle, a mini-bus, trailor – all belonging to the State, which are
registered on MDi-individuals names. I understand that these are difficult to actively monitor and trace
because of the fact, that we function covertly and clandestinely. However an audit on the SAPS MDimembers
names against the Vehicle Registration Authority’s register going back a few years, should
reveal what the status quo in this regard is and if those vehicles have been accounted for and handed
back to the State, once their purpose was served. I personally know, that this was definitely not the
When the two fugitives, who had escaped from custody, namely: Jan Rudolf (affectionately known as:
Rudi) Gouws and Herman van Rooyen were hiding out at Nylstroom (a Town in the Northern Province),
they were discovered by Shepherds, who reported their presence to SAPS. Although MDi was acutely
aware of their presence there, they did not immediately arrest them, but instead employed the SAPS
Task Force, to monitor their movements for more than a month, with the express purpose of procuring
resources under the guise of having received information on the whereabouts of these escaped
fugitives and the urgent need to procure immediate resources from the SAPS Secret Fund, so that they
can fit in with the normal population, where the fugitives are purportedly hiding, in order to arrest
Important facts and aspects, related to the Boeremag investigation
62. The Stateorchestrated explosives-training of the Boeremag accused.
(All the preparations was planned by Hankel, Pretorius and Miranda Loots)
62.1 Col. Pretorius informed me, that he had obtained the specially prepared explosives from the
Explosives factory (as he termed it) outside Klerksdorp.
62.2 JC Smit was trained in the use of explosives within the parameters of my homestead in
Pretoria, by Pretorius and an unknown person, also as how to use it, in order to blow-up specific
targets. I’m ignorant in the use and knowledge of explosives and could therefore not wade in on the
conversation, but was merely a spectator.
JC Smit was taught how to compose the different explosive components, in order to prepare the final
explosive product. According to him, these explosive components were at a later stage, given
personally to him by Louis Pretorius with the instruction, that he was to specifically target people (like
Herman van Rooyen, who was eventually arrested near Waverley, Pretoria and subsequently became
an accused in the Boeremag Trail) and train him in the use of explosives and how they were to
employed to blow-up whatever the target was.
At the supra training session, I openly objected to Louis Pretorius on his course of action and what was
being done and also questioned the wisdom thereof, by stating, that what was being done, was highly
illegal. He however assured me, that the explosive components, which he had provided to JC Smit,
weren’t strong or dangerous enough, to cause any significant damage.
62.3 At a later stage, on another day, JC Smit arrived and mentioned, that he had the explosive
components in his vehicle and that he was instructed to take them to Warmbaths. He was however,
afraid that he would be caught with them in his vehicle and that this would land him in trouble. We
were aware, that he did not enjoy immunity from prosecution – which Pretorius telephonically
acknowledged toward me – when I contacted him in this regard. Pretoius however, informed me to tell
the Informant, that he was to go ahead and transport the explosives to Warmbaths on an urgent basis,
so that the explosives could be used as soon as possible – actually insinuating, that evidence against
the Boeremag should be urgently orchestrated, so that even public opinion would be turned against the
Boeremag and all Right-wing vigilante-activism.
I even so far as to confront my Spouse about these supra MDi initiatives. She confidently indicated,
that both she and Hankel had everything under control and were fully briefed on the matter, at that
moment. This incident made me realise, once again, that there was unfair, illegal and forced
provocation being effected upon the Boeremag members and that I wanted out of it, for that very
62.4 Pretorius then instructed us to proceed with the explosives – in my vehicle – to Warmbaths
with JC Smit in tow and hand over the explosives to him, once we had reached Warmbaths, which also
took place. He departed from there – I am not sure whereto and I didn’t question him on this issue
because what was transpiring was unethical and totally wrong.
I however, waited for Smit to return, in order for him to return the surplus explosive components into
my custody, before we returned to my home in Pretoria. On my return, we discussed at length the
issue and that we were just as guilty as the persons, that he was busy training and that he should
seriously consider withdrawing from the Operation.
My further involvement in the matter and all the information at my disposal
Throughout this period of time, I repeatedly and openly informed my Spouse, Col. Pretorius and Genl.
Hankel, that they were inciting crime and that innocent people were becoming involved and that this
was all aimed at self-serving (their own pockets). Both my Spouse and Hankel laughed it off, while
Pretorius became highly irritated at my regular intrusions, in this regard. He subsequently constantly
reminded JC Smit to break totally with me because I did not want to play along with their schemes.
Within time, Smit stopped visiting me regularly as he had in the past, but he would still keep me in the
loop throughout, when he every now and then, came to seek advice on matters.
I was however, still kept abreast of progress in the matter, by both my Spouse and Hankel. To
64.1 My Spouse on a regular basis discussed the MDi operations, while Hankel on one occasion
also discussed privileged information with me. I then realised, that they had tunnel-vision and
therefore they refused my advice, namely, that they extricate themselves from the saga. They were
obsessive to ‘frame’ as many right-wing activists as possible, within a short period of time, in order to
arrest them, but conceded that they were afraid of making mistakes and openly discussed their
concerns with me in this regard, ostensibly to obtain ideas and insight.
In retrospect, it should be remembered, that I trained my Spouse in SAPS and provided her with
guidance and therefore she regarded me, as her Mentor.
64.2 They conducted various such discussions with me, especially via telephone, whereas my
Spouse conducted these discussions mostly after-hours.
64.3 I consequently, repeatedly advised my Spouse to opt out of these orchestrated operations
against the Boeremag because in my opinion, these matters would in future, implode in their faces.
My Spouse and I have been separated, since 2008 and are busy with a protracted Divorce wrangle. In
spite of this fact, she regularly still conducted similar discussions with me, up and until 2010 and
informed of the following incidents, viz.
Hankel (with my former Spouse’s assistance) arranged the following payments, with regard to the two
escaped fugitives of the Boeremag
My Spouse kept me fully briefed on the supra issues, while I assisted her. When it was decided to
arrest the two fugitives – Rudi Gouws and Herman van Rooyen – it was arranged with an ex-
Policeman, who was simultaneously also a Police-Agent, to accompany them to a Townhouse in
Centurion (Pretoria), which would ostensibly serve them as a ‘safe house’, where they could hide away
for an extended period of time. My task (as requested by my Spouse) was to purchase groceries and
place them in the Townhouse, in order to make it look credible, when they arrived there with the
It was arranged at a prior meeting with the SAPS Task Force, that they would arrest them, on the
following morning. Everything was pre-planned, long before the actual ‘staged’ arrangements to arrest
the duo. The Police-Agent involved in the planning and execution, thereafter received a cash-payment
of R450,000 [four hundred-and-fifty thousand Rand (ZAR)], tax free and impossible to trace. It is SAPS
policy, that an Agent may not receive additional payment, but it was Hankel, who had authorised the
payment and which the Agent received a week later, so that no uneasy questions would be asked or
fingers being pointed at someone. My Spouse brought the package containing the cash home and
exhibited it to me, prior to it being paid over to the respective Agent.
The Waverley (Pretoria) arrests
With regard, to the arrests made in Waverley (Pretoria), my sibling Sister’s ex-husband (Sergeant
‘Sam’ Theron confided to me, that MDi knew (via information provided by Informant Otto Gerner) the
exact whereabouts (the house, that they then occupied and from where they operated and planned
their crimes) of the Boeremag suspects, more than a week in advance of their arrests.
According to Theron’s version of the events, which he personally conveyed to me, the suspects were
not immediately arrested because it would compromise the Informant Otto Gerner and they
furthermore wanted to ensure, that the suspects were trapped with the explosives in their possession,
when they were arrested.
The Statements of the Boeremag Trialists
Prior to the arrests of the Boeremag accused, Col. Pretorius invited to join him and a certain Karen …
and Col. ‘Sollie’ … in Hartebeespoort Dam (a small Town approximately 50 kilometres to the west of
Pretoria) to draw up the State Witnesses’s Statements, so that they would not contradict one another.
I point blankly refused to co-operate. JC Smit further informed me, that none of the State Witnesses
ever formulated their own testimonies, but that their Statements were mostly drawn up by Col. Louis
Pretorius and adapted from time to time, in order to collaborate and coincide with the other State
Witness Statements.
According to what JC Smit informed me, only once all the State Witness Statements agreed with one
another in all material aspects – done with the oversight involvement of Luit. Col. Vreugdenburg – and
followed one another chronologically, were these said Statements given to the State Witnesses to sign.
They were also informed, that they had to memorise their Statements like parrots. These were
therefore not Statements of the witnesses, but merely the fabrications of MDi-members (especially
involved in these fabrications were Pretoius and Vreugdenburg) colluding, to ensure the convictions of
the Boeremag men.
In either the year 2001 (possibly 2002, I cannot recall the precise dates), Col. Pretorius instructed both
myself and JC Smit to write out and place Investigation-statements in the SAPS dossier, with regard to
the Boeremag matter. I –and I believe JC Smit also – knew, that this was highly irregular and unethical
to make false Statements because we would consequently have to stand by our Statements and
honour our Words, once the Court proceedings occurred. This is one of the reasons, that I mention at a
later stage in this Statement of mine, as to why both JC Smit and I refused to write out the
Statements, as instructed and why I wanted to be relieved from any further involvement with the
Boeremag Investigation.
Mainly as a result of the supra reason/s, both myself and JC Smit initially objected to making
Statements to this effect or to being witnesses in the matter and consequently withdrew our further
support from the Investigation.
However, Col. Pretorius coerced JC Smit to write out a sworn Statement, regarding his role in the
Boeremag Investigation and remain a State Witness, otherwise Pretorius warned him, that he would be
forthwith arrested and charged with the other men.
I too, was coerced by Pretorius into doing, what he had succeded in getting JC Smit to do, but I bluntly
refused and stood my ground, unwilling to sear my conscience (for temporary gain).
Both I and JC Smit continually informed Col. Pretorius of our objections, but he threatened us and we
eventually both felt, that we had to seek outside legal advice, in orde to protect our interests.
I happened to know an Attorney, Piet Breedt – a former colleague and we set off to pay him a visit. We
asked Tom van Rensburg, to arrange the consultation on our behalf. We consequently attended the
consultation with Piet Breedt at his offices in Bosman Street, Pretoria.
We shared our concerns, regarding our reasons for refusing to write out Statements and other issues.
His immediate reaction was that it was a serious matter and that, we should involve Senior Counsel in
the matter. He thereafter contacted Advocate Johan Gaum – also an ex-colleague, who would further
advise us. We thereafter met Gaum together with Piet Breedt at his official premises.
Both JC Smit and I informed Advocate Gaum and Piet Breedt in detail, as to the conspiracy within the
MDi, regarding the orchestrated Boeremag case and that being our reason for refusing to draw up a
false declaration and or sign any affidavit in this regard.
Adv. Gaum heard us out and asked probing questions. He then indicated, that I was in a better
position, than JC Smit because JC Smit was involved in the incitement to commit a crime and his
contribution was therefore a more serious matter, to contend with from a legal perspective, especially
with regards to applying for immunity from prosecution. Adv. Gaum was however, prepared to assist
JC Smit in his case, as well as represent me, should the State force me to write a false Statement or
attempt to force me in the witness stand.
Adv. Gaum then instructed Breedt to prepare the necessary documents, with regard to JC Smit
application because it would be extremely difficult at this point in time, to be able to prevent him from
being a State Witness in the Boeremag trial.
Both Adv. Gaum and Piet Breedt were briefed in detail and Gaum advised to continually refuse to
commit Perjury and exercise our right to remain silent.
The cost of our first consultation was R4,000 (four thousand Rand), which JC Smit kindly paid on our
Post the first consultation, JC Smit and I discussed the astronomical legal cost factor for the future and
decided against any further consultations because we both would not be able to afford legal
representation at the current cost.
According to JC Smit’s regular discussions with me, he intimated, that Col. Pretorius was placing him
under undue stress by intimidating him and simultaneously mentioning the monetary benefits, that
would accrue to him, should he write a Statement and be prepared to stand his man in the witness box
and defend his Statement there. He consequently concurred to write the false Statement and assured
Pretorius, that he was prepared to take the Stand.
According to JC Smit, Col. Pretorius wrote out his Statement in Hartebeepoort Dam, exactly as he –
Col. Pretorius – had wanted the Statement to be, so that it collaborated the other Statements and all
JC Smit had to do, was to sign the said Statement, without having any say in what was contained
therein. He also mentioned, that he was not permitted to alter anything in the Statement.
I steadfastly refused to co-operate or to sign any affidavit – to the continued distress and aggravation
of Col. Pretorius.
Quite a while after my consultation with Adv. Gaum, Hankel initially and thereafter my Spouse kept
informing (and haggling) me, that the State Advocate – Paul Fick SC (SC is the acronym for: Senior
Counsel) needed to speak to me, concerning my role and involvement in the run-up tot the Boeremag
Although I initially deflected their advances in this regard, they continued to harass me, to the extent,
that I later unwillingly relented and went to speak to him in his Chamber. I primarily consented to see
Fick because I wanted to inform him of the true version of events, as well as to my reasons, why I
refused to sign a false affidavit.
My Spouse accompanied me to the Palace of Justice, where Tollie Vreugdenburg met me at the
entrance in Vermeulen Street (Pretoria) and then proceeded to accompany me to Adv. Fick’s office.
There I was introduced to Fick, whom I have never before entertained. Those present were Adv. Pieter
Luyt (whom I was acquainted with, due to our mutual interest in running, while representing the
Akasia Athletic Club), a lady advocate, unknown to me (I fail to recall her particulars), who was
apparently part of the team of State Advocates and who would act as Prosecutors in the trial, as well
as Col. Vreugdenburg.
The whole contingent (with Adv. Fick doing most of the speaking) attempted to coerce me into
rescinding my earlier decision, not to become involved in the Boeremag trail and to write a Statement
and to take the Stand. Thye emphasized, that it would be to my benefit, should I follow their advice.
However, when they noticed my reticence to commit Perjury, they changed tack and started
threatening me to make a Statement. They became vociferous and antagonistic toward me and ended
with Fick threatening to have me charged as an accomplice in the Boeremag Trial, if I continued to
refuse to co-operate with the State Team.
I continued to stand my ground against the verbal assault from the State Team of Advocates and
Vruegdenburg, which at times reached a feverish pitch and I repeated for all to hear, that it is
unethical and illegal to incite people to commit or to be an accomplice in a crime and especially, when
people are orchestrated to commit a crime and thereafter arrested and charged.
I emphasized to the State Advocates, that the Boeremag men were only busy with a defensive plan, in
order to aid SAPS, in case of unrest and anarchy, but that the MDi and their Agents were involved with
an offensive plan to incite innocent people and thereafter, to have them charged with committing a
serious crime even going as far as falsely incriminating (by framing them) those, who would not play
fiddle to MDi’s orchestra.
They placed enormous stress on me, to co-operate with them, even when they were aware of the true
facts and this lead to a major fallout with the group of State Advocates.
The State Advocate Team, including Col. Vreugdenburg openly ganged up against me, while I was left
to dry out on my own, by placing me in a corner, until I acceded to their wishes – which I miraculously
managed to stave off and so retained my sense of dignity and sanity prevailed. I must admit, that this
was one of the most trying times in my life.
They refused to back down, even though I rebutted them continually – forcing them to continue
hearing the true facts. I then came to the realization, that Politics was playing a major role in their
antagonistic arguments because politics had become the playball of senior Officers, who stood to lose
all, if I declined to proceed with their infatuation with orchestrating innocent people for the sake of
feeding their frenzied hunger for material gain. I made this statement to them out of frustration
because I was earlier informed by a colleague, that both Director Roos and Col. Louis Pretorius were
members of one or other secret organization and that Pretorius was Roos’s senior in this organization,
but that in SAPS, he was his Junior, much to his chagrin.
The meeting closed with bad blood to be smelt everywhere. Adv. Fick in conclusion shouted to me, that
(a) I would not be welcome in Court, once the Court was in process, except if I was willing to comply
with their rules of engagement and that (b) I should not ever entertain the thought of co-operating
with the Defence Team because I had taken an oath of secrecy and should I attempt to break this
oath, I would be prosecuted.
I summarily withdrew any further co-operation with the State Team, although I bumped into Adv. Luyt
at Athletic events, where we both participated, but we never broached the subject again.
Initially, I did not attend the Courtcase because I was anti the method and motives, which MDi had
employed in the whole matter. My ernstwhile Spouse however, kept me abreast of all that was
transpiring in the Courtcase, until we separated.
Due to my taking an Oath of Secrecy and the fact, that Adv. Fick threatened to charge me, should I
make contact with the Defence Team, I initially refrained from having any contact with them. I
resigned myself to the fact, that I would do nothing further, but undertook to one day, write a book
about the whole matter, even if it meant, that I would break the Oath of secrecy, so that the Public
would know the truth.
What was consoling in the entire matter was, when Adv. Gaum contacted me via Tom van Rensburg to
say, that my course of action, that I had taken with Adv. Fick’s Team, was highly appropriate.
Already in 1998, an old colleague and friend of mine, Alphons Theron, had conspired to put to book
one day all our combined information, regarding the Boeremag Investigation and -Trial, but we never
got that far.
In 2011, I left to go and work in India, where I thought, that I could forget the nagging feeling of my
betraying the truth, regarding the Boeremag Trialists and their lonely fight against the forces of evil,
inherent in MDi and the State Advocate’s Team. I eventually returned to face the music by availing
myself and my knowledge of the matter, to the Defence Team.
Upon my return to South Africa, I attempted to attend the Court Case, in order to determine what
progress there was.
At my first appearance in Court, I happened to find myself seated adjacent to Karin Labuscagne of
Radio Jacaranda, whom I did not know at that point in time. Prior to the Court proceedings starting, I
was approached by Col. Tollie Vreugdenburg, who asked what my interest was in attending the court
proceedings and mentioned, that I knew that I was not welcome there. I however, refused to be
intimidated by him and mentioned, that he should put it in writing to me, that I may not attend the
Hearing or alternatively, that the Presiding Officer should inform me, to leave the Court.
Col. Vreugdenburg then approached Adv.s Fick and Luyt, who requested the Judge to adjourn the
Court proceedings for a short while (10 minutes), while they (Adv. Luyt) remonstrated with me, in
order to induce me to leave. I kindly informed him, that I was there to keep abreast of proceedings,
but Luyt requested, that I leave the Court forthwith.
Later when the Court had adjourned for the day, Karin Labuschagne introduced herself to me and
asked me who am I and enquired as to why the State Team wanted me removed from the Court
building. I briefly informed her, who I was and my reason for attending the proceedings, before
departing for home.
Approximately a week later, just prior to the annual Comrades event in 2011, I met with Karin
Labuschagne over a cup of coffee, for an impromptu interview. The interview lasted nearly two hours
and I was able to provide her with a synopsis of facts, with regard to my interest in the Boeremag
Case, including considering writing a book on the matter. She showed interest in the book and
requested whether she could procure the rights to the contemplated manuscript. According to her, she
had already done a lot of research on the Case.
We agreed to attend the Courtcase together and once again Col. Vreugdenburg confronted me,
wherafter an unknown Police Officer was placed in the seat directly behind me, for the rest of the Court
The Courtcase however was shortly adjourned thereafter.
Once the Courtcase was adjourned, I approached some of the Defence Counsel, namely: Advocates
Louisa van der Walt and Harry Prinsloo and provide them with my personal particulars.
I informed them, that I could provide them with both relevant and pertinent information, as also that
the SAPS MDi Branch could hear everything, that they said to their respective clients because the
Courtroom and holding cells were bugged. I invited them to contact me, but they never returned the
With times Karin Labuschagne and I made contact.
I was clandestinely informed by people within MDi, that they were monitoring my cellular phone, as
well as noting my ‘sms’ (the acronym for: Short Message Service). I laid charges to this effect,
whereupon a Col. Werner Smith and Col. Eugene Pitout from MDi paid me a visit. They further
informed me of my Oath of secrecy and that I stood to be charged, should I ignore their warnings.
The phone-tappings, bugging and videoing of the accused, after they had been already been
According to my Spouse, they (MDi) attempted on various occasions to procure authority to be able to
secretly bug and video the accused in their cells, but the Judge flatly refused the applications on
numerous occasions, to the chagrin of the MDi officials.
However, according to my Spouse, Genl. Hankel unilaterally decided to implement and execute the
tappings and bugging of the accused’s cells and where they consulted with their legal Representatives.
He apparently recruited the ‘right people’ at Correctional Services (Kenny Bouwer and Zack Modise),
who authorised the bugging. Via discreet investigation, I was able to establish, that MDi’s contact
person in Correctional Services was Kenny Bouwer, who authorised the illegal installation of bugging
equipment in the respective cells and in the holding cells in the Courtroom.
I was also able to discreetly establish, that a certain Andre Storm at ‘C-Max’ Prison (Pretoria), was
recruited to assist the MDi to plant devices in and around their cells.
From the beginning of the Court Proceedings, it was an open secret, that everyone at MDi was keen to
know, what was transpiring between the Defence Team and their clients, but to MDi’s disgust, they
were unable to obtain permission to bug the Hearing and Consultation rooms of the Defence.
According to my Spouse, Genl. Hankel refused to accept the status quo and obtained permission from
his seniors in SAPS, to procure technically-advanced monitoring equipment (sound and vison) for
bugging and videoing in the USA. Just after the start of the Court Proceedings, he had the sensitive
equipment secretly installed in both the entire Courtroom and Consultation room.
I actually on two different occasions happened to visit the Head-Office of MDi in Prieska Street,
Erasmuskloof, where the so-called, CINOC (the acronym for: Crime Intelligence Nodal Operational
Centre) or colloquially known as, the ‘War Room’ was situated, courtesy of my Spouse. My first visit
there was in the year 2008, just before a surgical procedure was performed on my foot (prior to the
Comrades marathon of that year). The premises were not the same as they are today. The second visit
was a while later, when my Spouse (Col. Miranda Loots) wanted to show me their state of the art
electronic equipment for the tapping of phones and listening to conversations in conjunction with
virtual visuals, which was apparently, the genius of Genl. Hankel.
Unfortunately, I cannot recall the exact dates, but with my inital visit there, the Centre contained a
variety of TV monitors. During my second visit, the Centre was more progressively furnished with
many more electronic equipment, including TV monitors and much neater, than was previously the
My visits to CINOC occurred mostly over weekends and after-hours, when the minimum personnel
were present, so that we would not attract attention and that no uneasy questions would be asked. My
Spouse however, confided to me, that Genl. Hankel was aware of my presence there.
In both instances, my Spouse would activate a button on a Computer, whereupon the screen reflected
how the Boeremag men would alight from the Njala Vehicle, which transports them to the Court daily;
where they then approach the Courtroom and turn left through a doorway, whereupon my Spouse
remarked, that that door is the entrance to the holding cells beneath the Courtroom. I could see on
another monitor, where these men entered a door and then the Cells metal bars.
The following visuls were, where the accused stood in their cells (confinement), while chatting to one
another. It only contained visuals of the Boeremag men and nobody else. She then hurriedly scanned a
number of visuals, until she could point out, where the accused were in the Consulting Room,
conferring with their Legal Counsell. I could identify various people on the monitor, e.g. Adv. Harry
Prinsloo and Louisa van der Walt, who individually consulted with an accused. I however, did not
recognise any of the accused. The visuals were of an outstanding quality, including the sound system,
where each word spoken, could be distinctly heard between the accused and their Legal
All that could be seen in the Consulting Room, was a white wall and a corner in the room. On another
monitor, I could see the white wall and a part of the Holding Cell. The images were thus being cast
from the top of the room, in other words the roof-end. All video-material was recorded and therefore
not live or virtual material, at that point in time.
At one stage, my Spouse drew my attention to a monitor and mentioned, that ‘when the accused
walked up here to the right’, then they could then access the Court Room from where they were held.
She then indicated to the right-hand side of the monitor. In my opinion, there were no cameras
installed, that focussed on the stairway to the Court Room because no where, was I able to see the
staircase. Thereafter she showed me footage of the Court Room per se and I could clearly see, where
the accused sat and where their Legal Representatives were seated. I was not able to see the Judge’s
Bench or the Public Gallery at all, although she confirmed to me, that the entire Court Room was under
constant surveillance.
My Spouse reiterated, that wherever the accused were or moved about, they were under constant
surveillance by cameras, that were planted clandestinely and included the outside of the Court Room
itself. On the one monitor, there was a room, which contained a table with four chairs, According to
my Spouse, this place was across from the Court, with a window, which has a view over Vermeulen
Street. This respective monitor only showed images and the sound was not good at all on both
occasions, that I was present.
I only attended the Court Proceedings from the second last week in May, 2011, when I for the first
time entered the Court Room myself and could identify a room immediately across from the Entrance
to the Court, that was similar to the room in the visuals.
The other times, that I was able to view these images was in 2008 / 2009, where I was able to at least
twice, view some visuals of three scenes on my Spouse’s official Nokia Cellularphone. These were not
recordings, but were virtual images being displayed on her cellphone and my Spouse even went so far
as to boast about MDi’s advanced technological ability. If she wanted to view different images, she had
to exit the present screen and click on another smaller screen on her Phone monitor, which would take
a few moments to load, although the screen sometimes froze and then she had to wait for a while,
before it would respond again.
My Spouse used to continually boast about MDi’s advanced technology systems, which they operated
and would show me images on her Laptop at home, which contained images of the accused and then
used to laugh, referring to them as: ‘fucking assholes’ !
The camera’s angles in the different rooms, was the same. My Spouse mentioned, that the purpose
hereof was for MDi to be able to monitor every movement of the accused, constantly. MDi were
especially interested in what was being conversed about, between the accused and their respective
Legal Representatives during consultation because that gave the State an edge over the Defence Team
strategy, as they were ons step ahead of the Defence the whole time. MDi were also interested in
knowing, what strategy the Defence was planning during cross-examination, pertinently what
questions would be posed.
My Spouse routinely boasted about the manner in which Mdi provide the State Advocates with preemptive
‘ammunition’, as a direct consequence of knowing before hand, what the Defence planned.
This monitoring of the Defence Counsel and their accused, gave the State an advantage because they
could always plan ahead to counter the Defence team’s arguments, by providing the State with counter
arguments and counter witnesses, way ahead of schedule. All this information was always directly and
immediately relayed to Adv. Paul Fick and his State Team.
My Spouse on different occasions informed her sister, ‘Maxine’ and our daughter in my presence, that
the MDi provided the State Prosecution with sound and visual material of their recordings of the
accused and their Legal Counsel’s discussions. For some questions, they used the historical evidence
on recordings, while for other questions, they would proffer excuses to win time. The contacts between
MDi and the State Prosecutors were either Tollie Vreugdenburg or Louis Bester (my Spouse sometimes
refered to Bester as ‘Vice’, meaning that he was their deputy Leader at MDi). They would in turn be
called by someone at CINOC with a message for the State Prosecution, with the purpose of preparing
themselves for the Defence’s questions. My Spouse pertinently confirmed to me, that MDi would relay
the information from their recordings immediately, to the State Prosecutor’ Team, via either
Vreugdenburg or Pretorius.
These ut supra visuals with sound, were exhibited to me at our home in Rietfontein, Pretoria by my
Spouse over and above the times, when I visited the Erasmuskloof ‘War Room’ (CINOC). The period of
time, when I viewed these visuals were between the years 2008 and 2010, prior to the World Soccer
Cup in South Africa. One of these times was, when I was busy enjoying a barbecue at home, while my
sister-in-law and daughter were present.
The montoring of the accused at ‘C-Max’ Prison (Pretoria)
My Spouse informed me, that a senior Officer was contacted at Correctional Services with a counterfeit
warrant issued by Hankel and herself, to install bugging and electronic monitoring devices and that,
they keep these persons ‘happy’ in exchange for their co-operation in the monitoring of the accused in
the Prison. Which by implication meant, that these persons were bribed so as to not, rock the boat.
My Spouse further confirmed to me, that at the ‘C-Max’ Prison’s entrance or just above the entrance,
there was a Consulting Room, that was used by the accused and their Legal Representatives for
consultation and adjacent to it, the MDi had a room full of electronic equipment for the televised
bugging of discussions. These measures were already in place by early 2003 /2004 because my
Spouse, Hankel and ‘Sam’ Theron had then boasted to me, about their monitoring Project at ‘C-Max’
My Spouse has long been boasting about the fact, that MDi knew of everything transpiring within the
confinement of the accused’s respective cells. The MDi staff often laughed at some private moments,
when the accused would get dressed and so forth.
She also often pronounced, that MDi did not have authorization to monitor, what they were busy
monitoring, but that it was done clandestinely and nobody would ever be the wiser.
Regarding the bugging of the accused and their families
According to my Spouse, everyone involved with the Boeremag Case – including the accused, their
families, friends and Legal Representatives – were ALL bugged, which includes: their land telephone
lines, cellular phones, sms and e-mail facilties, as well as their movements. Some of the bugging is
authorised, while some of it is not authorised at all.
For example, a lady by the name of Nelmari, the accused’s Herman van Rooyen’s ex-wife was on
holiday at La Cote d’Azur, Margate (South Coast, Natal), when she was followed by MDi-members and
where members of CTC (the acronym for: Counter Terrorism Centre), also a division of Mdi were
convened. I was with my Spouse in Margate, during the October (School) holidays, when I exchanged
some pleasantries with her on the beachfront. Both my Spouse and ‘Sam’ Theron reprimanded me and
I was informed, that Director Roos was not impressed by my actions.
Most of the tapping, that still occurs, is still performed on an illegal basis, according to my Spouse.
Signed and attested to in Pretoria on this day of January, 2013 by the Deponent, who declares that:
? He understand the gravity of this Statement and that all facts contained herein are true and

He was willing to attest to the veracity of the information and does not object to taking the oath
And that he regards the oath as binding upon his conscience
·which conforms to the Regulations, as reflected in the Government Notices R1258, R1648, R1428.
“Woorde Uit My Hart
November 5, 2013 – Briewe – 16 comments

Aan wie dit wil lees

As die mistigheid oor die berge kruip, en die klowe en kranse hulle deure sluit. Wens ek dan dat ek hierdie woorde vir julle kan se. Woorde wat kan beskryf, dit wat binne my hart lê. Woordeloos staan ek voor julle in ? oomblik waaraan ek vashou, en ek weet dit sal my regop hou in hierdie oomblik wat ek deel met julle.

Ek skryf hierdie brief met trane in my oë en as gevolg van ? groot hartseer teenoor al die gevonnisde Boeremag lede se families, vriende en aanhangers. Julle het vir my en talle ander mense die verskriklikste name toegeken (verraaier, gemors, werfetter, slang) en hierdie is maar net ? paar van die name wat my toegeken is. Ek het volle begrip daarvoor, want dit is geensins aangenaam om ? kind, man, pa of broer af te staan vir ? bepaalde tydperk nie, maar reg en geregtigheid het aan die einde van baie dae geseëvier. Ek weet dat ek geen bestaansreg in die regse blanke gemeenskap sal hê nie, en ek aanvaar dit.

In 2004 het ek ? eteafspraak met ? Generaal en Kolonel gehad aan die oostekant van Pretoria. Gedurende hierdie ete het ek ? belofte aan die twee offisiere gemaak, en ek kan dit onthou asof dit gister was. Die woorde van my belofte was “Generaal ek belowe julle dat ek die waarheid, en tot die beste van my menslike vermoë sal getuig”.

Vandag wil ek net ? paar dinge in ? groot deel van my lewe behandel. Ek het baie familie en vriende in hierdie proses verloor, maar ek het wysheid, insig, deursettings vermoë en standvastigheid bygekry, en dit is nie verruilbaar vir wat ek verloor het nie.

Die Staat se Regspan: Mnr. Fick, Dries en Pieter. Ek wil eerstens julle bedank vir die vertroue wat julle in my gehad het om my as die Staat se sleutel getuie te gebruik.

In die nege maande wat ek getuig het was daar goeie dae maar beslis ook baie donker dae, en al wat my regop gehou het was die wyse woorde van mnr. Fick. “Praat net die waarheid al beteken dit dat jy jouself moet inkrimineer”. Dankie vir al julle ondersteuning en bystand in hierdie tydperk van my lewe wat nie maklik vergeet kan word nie.

Die Ondersoekspan: Kolonel Tollie en jou span in geheel. Ek is nie ? ondersoekbeampte nie en my kennis van ondersoekwerk is uiters beperk, maar die bietjie wat ek per geleentheid gesien en ervaar het van jou en jou span se werk wil ek die volgende se. Dit is bitter jammer dat die SAPD eendag mense soos julle moet verloor, want julle is goud werd en dit was vir my ? groot voorreg en eer om mense soos julle te ken.

My Hanteerders: Aan al my hanteerders maar nie Deon Loots nie. Daar was dae van opgewondenheid, maar ook dae van teleurstelling. Daar was dae van vrees, maar ook dae van vreesloosheid.

Dit was vir my ? groot voorreg om saam elkeen van julle ? groot deel van my lewe te spandeer, en ek is nie vir een oomblik spyt daaroor nie. Ons het met mekaar gelag en ons het ook met mekaar hartverskeurende dinge bespreek en saam gehuil.

Ons het partymaal gegrap, maar ons het ook uiters geheime dinge bespreek en beplan. Dankie dat julle my bygestaan en beskerm het tot aan die einde. Net een versoek: Beskerm julle agente en beriggewers soos wat julle my beskerm het, want hulle is julle hartklop soos wat julle die hartklop van reg en geregtigheid is. Sonder hulle, was daar niks, is daar niks en sal daar nooit niks wees nie. Kyk mooi na julle self en onthou – bly nederig, hou jou voete standvastig op die grond en hou jou oë gerig op Christus, dan sal alles goed gaan. Ek salueer ieder en elk van julle as ? individu, want respek is iets wat jy moet verdien, en elkeen van julle het dit verdien.

Deon Loots: Vir jou wil ek net se – Jy is redelik vertroud met die woorde en gesegde “Hond Vreet Hond” en in hierdie aangeleentheid was JY die honger hond, maar gulsigheid het veroorsaak dat JY gevreet is. Ek koester geen haat of wrok nie, maar JY is ? totale vreemdeling vir my.

Ek wil hierdie brief in stilte saam met julle afsluit met die volgende woorde.

Ons Hemelse Vader vergewe my asseblief indien ek enigsins verkeerd gedoen het teenoor enige persoon in hierdie saak. Beskerm asseblief my gesin en familie en elkeen van hierdie geregsdienaars, en laat U Wil Geskiet. Amen.

maar as jy ook woordeloos staan sal ek verstaan.

Tot ons volgende ontmoeting….. waar ook al dit mag wees.

Die ………. wat ook al.

J C Smit.”

“A few things I don’t understand about Tollie Vreugdenburg.
1) He says that he became involved with the case on 16 September 2002 when Snr. Supt. Louis Bester had requested him to search the farm of Herman van Rooyen at Aliwal.

Now, why would a man from the Bushveld be asked to investigate a farm in Aliwal? To note, that In 2001, Superintendent Tollie Vreugdenburg was Head of the Serious and Violent Crime Unit in the Bushveld area (He prepared a written submission and addressed the ANC Committee on 2001-09-27. He also made available to the Committee a lecture on the handling of farm attacks at the Area Operational Coordinating Committee level, entitled ‘Aanvalle op plase en landbouhoewes’).

2) Vreugdenburg stated that on 5 October, Adv. Paul Fick, Adv. Dries van Rensburg, Adv. Auret, himself, Warrant Officer Marius Groenewald, Insp. André van Heerden, Chris Delport, Col. Louis Bester, Lieu. Col. Naas Venter, Capt. Johan Vice, WO Lotter, and WO Botha met up in a meeting. Tollies requested that he becomes the investigating officer, which was granted him with Bester as the co-ordinator. This meeting had been called, according to Vreugdenburg, to inform Fick about the case, as Fick had not been previously involved with it. Despite the evidence by JC previously that he had reported to Fick on the case in 2001, I wonder why:
(i) The men called to the meeting were all prepared for it, ONE DAY after the supposed weapons cache on Van Rooyen’s farm in Aliwal was carried out – which is very far away from the meeting in Pretoria the very next day.
(ii) Why they would agree to allow Vreugdenburg, who only had a matric, and who was based in the Bushveld, the investigating officer in a case which was predominantly investigated in the Pretoria area. Was there not a more suitable candidate in the immediate area? (Note, The whole team, which was mentioned here, had then made out part of the team which was controlled by Tollies, except for the advocates)
(iii) Why Vreugdenburg, who only had a matric, and who had joined the police force immediately after completing matric – and thereby had not been conscripted into the SA Defence Force, as was customary at that stage – received his very first promotion only in 1992 (After it became clear that government was being handed over to the ANC), his next promotion in 1997, and none thereafter.
3) Why Vreugdenburg can remember exact dates of various events which happened as far back as 2002, but he cannot remember if he had chased Deon Loots out of the court room the first time he saw him there in 2010.
4) How Vreugdenburg could build up a case on document 12 if he never had the original to work from?
5) Considering that Loots had already left the police service long before 2010, on what grounds does Miranda Loots and Tollie Vreugdenburg base their use of state apparatus to keep each other informed as to the movement of Deon Loots, be it at the court rooms, or anywhere else a member of the public is free to go.
6) In his testimony Vreugdenburg stated that at the onset of the case, he relieved the various investigating officers from the case. There were 17 files which comprised of 765 statements, and then this was not even everything. According to his testimony, the onset of the case was in 2002. Yet, in 2003, Vreugdenburg testified during the bail application of Dr Lets Pretorius that the police had the statements of about 300 witnesses regarding the Boeremag and its alleged plans to overthrow the government. So HOW DID MORE THAN HALF the statements disappear between 2002 and 2003? Or cant Vreugdenburg remember numbers, or cant he count? Or was he misinformed in 2002?
7) Vreugdenburg testified that he got Document 12 from Bester for the first time, and he had never seen it before. So was this before, or after, Vreugdenburg was assigned to search the homesteads of the accused?
To note, in 2003, during the bail application of Dr Lets Pretorius, Vreugdenburg testified that police found Document 12, the alleged plan of the coup, on another accused’s computer. He admitted the contents had been changed several times and different names placed next to different “jobs” which were to be carried out by Boeremag members during the staging of the coup. Now, why would name alterations on a computer document show that they have been changed several times? Did Vreugdenburg see this document on the computer, or did he see the printed document with hand written alterations presented to him by Bester after their meeting in November 2002? This all doesn’t make sense, considering that JC had already been informing the investigating officers about all matters in the supposed Boeremag plans in 2001.
8) In 2003, Vreugdenburg also testified at the bail application of Dr Lets Pretorius that a truck carrying arms belonged to a medical company, of which Dr Pretorius was a director. He said that “Several fingerprints were found in the truck, but none have been linked to the accused yet. Inside we also found a bag with clothes, including underpants with semen on. We have linked that semen to Pretorius.” Now, why would a director of a company leave his underpants in a truck? Surely he did not drive the truck himself but had drivers to do so while he was operating on people in hospitals to save their lives?
9) Vreugdenburg testified during the bail application of Dr Lets Pretorius that there was no evidence Dr Pretorius was involved in the formulation of the document, but that he was at a meeting where the document was discussed. If the document was only handed to Vreugdenburg by Bester after November 2002, (which had been altered repeatedly by his own admission), and Vreugdenburg had 17 files containing more than 765 statements to investigate, and considering he had relieved all investigating officers from this case at the onset of the case, how did he have time to confirm that Dr Lets Pretorius had, indeed, attended a so-called Boeremag meeting – this attendance being the only reason he could offer as to why Dr Lets Pretorius should not be granted bail, and on which he based his testimony that Dr Lets Pretorius was a great danger to society?
Without being presumptious, nor insulting, I ask, can a man who only have matric, qualify to judge if a medical doctor – who has at least studied for 7 years at university – is a greater threat to the lives in society, or a saviour of lives in society?
It appears to me that a lot of sub-qualified people, including Vreugdenburg, Hankel and Miranda, were suddenly given huge promotions in rank in the police force by the exiting NP government at the time they were handing over power to the ANC. These sub-qualified people were then hand chosen and allowed to reap huge monetary awards to conduct a witch hunt on other people in South Africa who were far more qualified, and dedicated to the well being of the South African nation, than themselves. The so-called Boeremag accused carry, in general, far higher qualifications and credentials than their accusers; have generally served in the South African Defence Force, which proves their devotion to the nation outweighs their personal safety – something most of their accusers have not proven as they never took part in SADF activities; the so-called Boeremag accused were an asset to the country through their knowledge, expertise and devotion, and were prepared to assist the police under the ANC to promote and maintain stability in South Africa.

Their accused, being the CI puppets installed by the previous regime, (and given huge promotions as the regime handed over power), have removed stabilizing factors of South Africa, including these upstanding citizens as well as the commandos, not only to scare off any other citizens who may have plans to help improve the security of South Africa, but to undermine the ability of the new ANC government to keep peace in SA.

  • While still in the middle of investigating the Boeremag Case – and being in charge of the investigation, Tollie Vreudenburg still had time to investigate farm murders in the Bushveld as well….!!”